
Mayhem Meets Bedlam



5 Years
Extra large
02-21-2015, 10:39 PM

Maybe it was the sound of the argument, but all of the sudden puppies were appearing out of no where. Phim had no idea where they'd been or how long they'd been watching (Oh no, how many of them saw me fighting the grass?) but he rounded on them with a smile. Daddy said that the wolves of Imperium were kinda like a family, so Phim ought to treat them well... as long as they behaved. Unfortunately he didn't know many of their names. Uhm... or any, maybe. Before he could really get a good look at anyone, Angelus was letting the little brown boy wiggle out of his grasp.

Caesar introduced himself and allowed that maybe Phim wasn't stupid after all. "It's alright that you didn't understand," he said happily. "I learn new stuff all the time! Like yesterday I learned how to hunt frogs." He heard one of the girls ask if they wanted to play a game and in an instant his attention was diverted. He gasped and rounded on the group, eyes brightening as the thought of a wonderful game was bestowed upon him. There were so many of them that this would definitely be a good time! "There are so many of us that I bet we could have a game of hunting frogs! But listen, you only get a point if you get the frog all the way to... uhm... Oh! To my Daddy's den!" He bounced a little bit, paws scuffing at the dirt below.

Phim turned to his brother with a wide grin, waiting to see if Angel would be as excited about this as he was. "I'm Seraphim, by the way. My Daddy is Valentine!" With pride he puffed out his chest, because that's what an alpha's son was supposed to do. Still, he didn't see it as if he were in charge of the others, because the idea of being in charge of anyone was more than a bit strange to the young pup. He only knew that he was really proud of his Daddy and that Valentine's pack was really fun, so it was something he ought to puff his chest out about! As in most things, the complexities of this concept were lost on him. "So who's in?!"

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!