
Because Of You


08-04-2013, 12:50 PM

You don't sound very proud of it. He was. Or had been. Before Orica had come along. Killing, maiming and torturing were his passion; had been. He didn't know if it was anymore. There had been nothing more fulfilling than listening to the pained cries of his victims as they begged for a mercy that the monster had never been capable of before. That perhaps he still wasn't capable of unless his little medic was there to reign him in. She was the beauty to his beast. Though at times fearful for her own safety, the young woman would not stay away from Demyan, despite every other instinct that was screaming at her to run back to the safety of her family. Was she a fool for dancing with the devil incarnate? Perhaps. But was she even more brave for taking on the challenge of trying to help him? She had to be something different if she was willing to help a man that appeared to be completely beyond redemption to the rest of the world. But why did she do it? Did she feel responsible for having given him a second chance to continue ruining the world? It seemed like it. There were just too many questions concerning the situation between them and he had no concrete answers to any of them. It was a surprise he was still standing before her, willing to listen to what she had to say. She was a wonder of a woman and he only hoped someday in the future he would be able to understand her; if he lived that long.

Powerful haunches folded beneath the man, lowering him to the cave floor, audits still pinned against his level skull, cyan gems unwavering from her sapphires. She had his complete and full attention. I think... I think there's a part of you that wants to be something more. A real monster would've kept going; Would've just ripped me and away. For a second I thought... She didn't complete her sentence, but she didn't need to; he already knew what she was going to say. She thought that he'd been about to attack her when she'd run to stand before the smaller man, shielding him. He didn't blame her. Any wolf in their right mind would've thought the same thing. But he could never harm her. Even just contemplating placing his jaws on her in any harmful way made his heart stutter and nearly stop, stealing his breath away. He fought to regain his breath, nostrils flaring wide as he gulped in air. She was fine. The blood on his lips and coating the back of his throat was not hers. She was completely in tact, standing right in front of him. His frantic cyan eyes flickered down to his blood covered paws, mentally reminding himself that it wasn't her blood. ...But you didn't. Of course he didn't. He never could. I never would... came his low rumble, frantic gaze lifting to her marbled face, his heart wrenching just at the sight if her. He didn't know if his words would mean anything, but he had to let her know that no harm would ever come to her from him.

All these feelings brewing in his scarred chest confused the hellion. He didn't know what to make of them. He wanted to take care of her, protect her from the entire world, to tend to her every need so that she would never have to lift a delicate paw to do anything for herself again. What the hell was wrong with him?! The still bad side of his mind was protesting vehemently against all of these soft thoughts. Demyan wasn't the type of man who wanted to care for others. He wanted to kill. But not Orica. Never Orica. Never his little medic. Demyan, will you- won't you let me help you? If you have any hope that you could change - that you learn to be something other than a monster then please, please say yes. She wanted to help him. She truly wanted to help him become something more than a monster. No one had ever wanted to help him. But Orica did. Something pricked at his eyes and the male growled, reaching up with his forepaw to swipe at his eye
, coming away with a bead of moisture. What the hell? He stared dumbfounded at it, looking back up to the little medic. Yes... He murmured, a single tear drop slipping down his muzzle.

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