
Puppies Looking For Good Home



02-21-2015, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2015, 06:02 PM by Mnemosyne.)

icarius attor kaname


Look upon the boy and see not strength nor regality, instead observe caution and precision, stealth and intent in the eyes of a child thrown into a world unknown. His movements are always fixed as if on the prowl, on the hunt, as if looking for a kill on which he may gorge and satisfy himself. He is hungry, always, he is needing, always, and if his shriveled frame is not enough proof for the eyes of those around him it is made known by his unrelenting appetite - he can swell on the bounty of a thousand men though he will never be sated, he is never impressed by what he can scavenge or steal; he will always be the hunter.

Scrawny, spindly, so unlike the men that lived before him, a startling shame to their names - he lacks bulk and muscle, or the size with which to use it; he is a shrunken child, with limbs so gangling and awkward that he makes for an unfortunate sight. His movements ring strange to all that witness them, his gait is one of slight, prepared steps, as if closing in on prey already trapped beneath his grasp and caged by his trickery. He is usually a slow thing, taking life in easily and adapting to every situation without hesitation - but speed is a forte he has mastered, it is nothing for the child to move before you blink; but challenge him, and you'll have him bested.

Draped in the color of the widow - black - is the child, accented by the medium grays of his father and the even lighter shades of his mother. He dons a mask to hide his face, a swirling of dark ivory around his acidic optics. His eyes are ones that glow during the late hours, the hours in which the child finds himself awake, as constant reminder of his parents - the color derived from the mixing of their pink and blue. His eyes burn like flames against the rest of him, so bright and lovely to contrast the rest of what he has become; they stand stark and luminous against his sorry canvas - violent, violet and VENOMOUS.


Procurer of poisons, aggressive creature of the dark and king of its monsters, disgusting embodiment of a sociopath's callous thoughts - SEPTIC CHILD. Black-hearted babe, hard to understand and to love though he hungers for the affections of others - he is selfish and deceptive, possessive over what is his and eager to reclaim whatever it is he has lost. He is a babe of many emotions - though many of them he does not understand or take notice of - he loves hard, so hard that the feeling of attachment can lead him to become purposely spiteful towards the one he "loves", as he cannot understand why he feels such a way. He is abusive, destructive and dark even though it sometimes isn't on purpose.

The usual attitude of the child is very calm and casual, perhaps unnaturally natural; though he does manage to come across as anti-social and perhaps rude with his inability to 'sugar-coat'. His harsh truths and tendency to stick to the shadows are not meant to be offensive, but are simply the way he he prefers things. It is often mistaken, but his childhood, happy and hardly traumatic, has had nothing to do with the creature he has become and his parents are not to blame; somewhere in his code, one too few numbers were misplaced - and now, the son of Alamea and Rune is forever GLITCHED.

The child can quickly go from relatively friendly and seemingly serene to snarling and broken in a matter of seconds - his interactions with others are screwed and he has trouble understanding social standings; as a result it has become very difficult for the child to build friendships, not that he'd want any. Almost everyone he's come across is the worst sort of annoying, much too chipper for his tastes, and so he shies away from such relationships. He wont bother you if you've simply come to share in the shadowy spots he favors without much vocal interaction, but once you sneak your way into his heart, he becomes defensive and violent.

He is strange, and targets those he loves for he cannot understand why they mean so much to him - at the same time, however, he targets whoever threatens his loved ones as well, for his love is always so overwhelming. He is known to follow and watch those that mean a great deal to him - to ensure their well-being and comfort; although he will become the aggressor if caught. Sometimes, Icarius becomes blinded by his dementia, he drowns in a sadist's pleasure at the sight of crimson and his victim's delicate entrails - the way they feel between his gnarled teeth is the point of true EUPHORIA.

Though he may seem a lost cause, there are times when Icarius can communicate true appreciation and love for other beings. These moments are rare, but they are always heartfelt and genuine - they are a window into what could have been, had Icarius not been a MISTAKE.


• View Icarius' reference here.
• Perhaps someday Icarius may end up inhabiting this area.
• In regard to Secretua, Icarius will enjoy living there and the seclusion it provides. When he comes of age I imagine him pursuing the rank and duties of a Hunter, though he wont be great at working with others. He wouldn't openly express desire to hold the rank of Successor, but wouldn't turn it down either; same for the Huntsman rank, though he'd probably openly vie for that just a bit. Some secondary skills he may focus on would be those of a Scout, he'll probably never focus much on fighting, even though he can be pretty aggressive. The only plant life he's interested in are the poisonous kinds so healing is not an option.
• In regard to his family, Icarius will love Alamea greatly, while young he'll be very attached to her and very respectful of her orders and teachings - however, this will taper off with age. He will always love her, but will come into his independence and distance himself. As for Rune, Icarius will respect him and look up to him while young; once older Icarius will still regard his father with respect but wont go out of his way to make him proud (nor anyone proud for that matter) but will enjoy it when he does happen to please his father. When it comes to siblings, Icarius will be a bit warmer with them than with others, a bit more open and friendly (if possible), but he'll just be himself really (unless he becomes close to any one sibling).
• I only try to adopt Lolaf pups apparently, if anyone has noticed. xD
• I'm not sure if you'd guys be interested in an extra-pup pass?