
Time to begin



4 Years
02-21-2015, 11:53 PM

The volcano hadn’t been ideal, much to warm for Selíni’s standards. Even at night when her element reared its head she found the stone pushed back heat when things should have been getting colder. Maybe it was her black coat, absorbing too much heat during the sunlight of the day… but then her fiery sister had no issues with it. Still it was one of the highest places she had ever lived and during the night it brought her closer to the celestial body that plucked at her, in ways other places could not.

Still a part of her was excited to see what this new “home” was; though she was warry to call it that yet. Her previous homes had all thus far been removed from her grasp so it would take some convincing for Selíni to truly call it home. She and her twin walked as close as they could without tripping over each other, which actually was pretty damn close. A life time attached at the hip had given them many, many years to practise.

She was very much aware of her brother’s split focus and despite the fact that in normal circumstances she preferred to command his attention his worry for the last member of their trio was touching. Selíni for her part didn’t look back for her sister though she did occasionally twitch an ear back, looking to Solaris for a hint they needed to fall back, accept their starry sister into their fold. No such signal passed between them and they soon arrived at the beach and the twins settled in beside each other. There were no words that passed between the pair though they kept their contact, which spoke volumes more than they could have actually voiced.

The vixen cast disinterested gaze about the beach as Glacier spoke. She supposed she could see how many of her other siblings would feel more at home here… the sun bounced nicely off the beach’s odd sand and a part of her felt excited for her twin but couldn’t muster anything beyond apathy for herself. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who wasn’t thrilled with what they had found as the ember laced form of their fiery sister rose up.

Pale yellows light up slightly, her blood rising with the presence of conflict. Not that she was happy to see her family already fraying so soon after a big decision. Hell she wasn’t happy to see it at all but it at least was better than the boredom she had entertained only moments earlier. Glacier’s words would pull her focus back and she would notice her twin’s gaze, meeting it with a slight smile and a nod. Then he turned to look back at their missing third and the words falling from his lips had her suddenly rising to her paws, turning too to look at the disappearing tail of her sister.

With a cocky grin she looked back at Glacier, a twinge of sympathy rising up in her. Things were falling apart around him… The voice of her older sister would pipe up and the vixen’s grin would grow even wider.  "Don’t worry about her," she spoke twitching her head back to gesture at where their ethereal sister had disappeared, "we’ll take care of her, and when we get back I’ll take you up on that offer of a tour." With a glance cast at her twin the moonlight female bound after Astrea determined to bring the stray girl back.

-Exit Selíni-

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