
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body


07-13-2013, 08:59 AM

What so the male seek? Well he sought that missing link, the loving peace to his soul, he sought to be completely, to fill the missing gaps that the jealous earth had wrought upon him, but he sought a great many more things too. He wished for food and drink to carry him through the seasons, he longed for the sky to give him a clue, a sign of where he was supposed to go or what he was supposed to do. He yearned for nature, wild and untamed! It was a beautiful thing, this life that he was given, and never would Sirius take such a precious gift for granted.

This island was stunning, teeming with life, bubbling with power, he could feel the nervous energy drumming through his soul like a beacon, a treasure once lost and now found. Why was this island so void of others, had the rest of his kind lost their sense of adventure, of a challenge? What did they see when they gaze upon this land so entirely...unleashed? They clearly saw nothing of its splendor of its beauty, this isle was the very definition of life, of the wild, life wasn't supposed to be monotonous, nor predictable, you were supposed to live every day, every moment like it just might be your last.

Sirius wasn't afraid of death, and he certainly wasn't about to start being now. The male before him was intriguing, such strict patterns... there were none as such in his pack. His back consisted of scrambled coloring, mixed scatters that were unpredictable but often quite beautiful. There were never two that adorned the same pelt and it brought a sense of excitement and wonder just to glance at the pups that were wrought from his families love. Love... that?s what this island was, pure and unadulterated. He adored this place.

Curious to the blunt and rather fast response, his cranium tilted minuscule to the left, amethysts growing as the gears in his brain grinded down the utter emotionless gaze this larger male held...but why? What had made him so utterly frigid? What evil had befallen this creature? He did not step closer, nor did he shy away, he allowed the male his space but didn't cower either. ?No long term joy can come from solitude, and why merely a place to rest? Why not make this place a home? Forgive me, where are my manners?" Gracefully and displaying a bit of grace that many lacked, the male dipped his lower half in a gentle bow. ?My name is Sirius, might I inquire your own??
