
The Sky's Call



5 Years
02-22-2015, 01:04 AM

After she left the beach she ran, She ran all the way to Seerten's cliffs. She wanted to see him for whatever reason. She wanted to spend time with him in the light of the move. She did not want to live at sea level again, she wanted to be high in the sky close to the stars where she can feel the their power flow into her. But not only that she wanted to see the large spotted boy.

She raced up the incline and stopped at the spot they met, she lifted her head and called to him. She needed someone to calm her nerves. She didn't want to leave the volcano, but she also wanted to be with her family, they where everything to her. She sulked, she hated acting like a child but sometimes you just could not help it. She sat down, her eyes turning to the sky, it was dark now, and the stars blinked around a sliver of the moon. She whined softly. She knew she was going to go back to the beach and she would miss the closeness she felt at this moment. the low cliffs that lined the obsidian beach just wasn't high enough for her to feel the full power of them. But not only that Seerten's cliffs where so far away! She really did have to run the whole way and didn't even make it before sunset.

She felt sad, she liked her time with him. Little did her siblings know she went every other day to see the large spotted boy and now it was going to have to be longer in between. She whined again impatiently waiting for said boy.
