
Puppies Looking For Good Home

Athena I


9 Years
02-22-2015, 01:19 AM

Sarai Kaname


Lawful Evil

Gray and white, light pink eyes, 32 inches tall.

This princess is light and thin like a willow tree. She will grow to reach thirty three inches tall, only three inches shorter than her father, but every inch of her is as light as a feather. It's not that she doesn't eat, she is simply naturally slender. At times you might even be able to see her ribs when she's running and breathing hard. She is wrapped in tight muscles that might be easily seen if not for her flowing coat of fur.

Her coat is fairly simple, but not any less beautiful. Her main coloration comes from a slightly darker shade of her father's. She is covered in a medium gray, the same color you might see in a piece of shale. The only other hue on her body is white, the first touches of her mother on her form, coming in at small marks at her brows, on the toes of each of her forelegs, and in a stripe that runs from her forehead, down over her scruff, and ends at a point at the base of her tail. Her fur lays easily over the curves of her body. The only place it really fluffs up at all is on her luscious tail.

Another trait inherited from her mother is the color of her eyes. They are a pale shade of pink, reminiscent of the color of cherry blossoms. This is the only real color on her body and it stands out in a lovely way, accenting beautifully against her gray and white pelt. As she grows older, she will probably gain a few scars here and there from spars and scraps she will undoubtedly get herself into, but she will try to avoid this at all costs. She never wants anything to mar what she views as her perfect appearance.

Loud. Deceptive. Flamboyant. Vain. Strict. Loyal.

Sarai is the kind of wolf that you'll hear coming before you see her. She is incredibly vocal and will speak her mind without anyone prompting her to. You'll never have to guess what she's thinking or feeling, she will lay it all out on the table for you... or so you think. She is a master at manipulating others to get what she wants. If she comes running to you crying and pointing blame at someone for doing something to her, it may or may not be true and there really might not be a way of finding out the truth. She uses this trait a lot in her younger days in many childish ways, but as she gets older this will become more sophisticated and will become a tool for her to use at will.

She is incredibly confident in herself and her appearance and has absolutely no problem showing off. She is flamboyant in the way she will gush and rave about things. Her steps having a certain confident bounce to them as she moves. A vain streak runs deep in her and it's not uncommon for her to squirm at the thought of getting her paws dirty. Her fur will always be well groomed, never wanting to look ragged or dirty. She won't willingly want to get into fights, too afraid that she might get scars that would mess up her complexion.

As silly and loud as she might seem at times she is also incredibly strict and loyal. She will never waver from the path that she chooses for herself and she expects others to do the same. That is not to say that she's not flexible, she is able to roll with the punches, but she does hold herself and others to a higher standard. She is above all loyal to herself, but she also highly values her family and will also learn to be loyal to anyone she decides to trust. Her real trust is not easily won, but she will not waver from those selected few if they do earn it.

I mean, no, I can't think of anything else xD