
Burning in her flame



5 Years
02-22-2015, 02:12 AM

She ran away, and where too she didn't know. Nor did she give a fuck. She highly doubted that anyone would follow her after her harsh words, but Locha had called out to her first. She felt a pang for ignoring the girl, they often didn't get along even though she tried. She tried so hard to be nice to all her siblings, but it was quite often that her emotions took over. Next came the voice of Voltage, a voice that she had hoped had stayed quiet. He was the only one that could contain her flaming emotions, or at least take their burn and know that she still loved him. He kept her calm and winded down for the others in her family, but this time there was little that he could have done. She didn't want to live at the ocean, she didn't like the water! It scared her, made her nervous. She felt safe at her volcano, the only place really that she had felt so comfortable. So she didn't want to be consoled, she just wanted to run and burn through all this pent up energy, all this anger. But Voltage's voice kept calling towards her, and she did her best to ignore it.

Soon the sky opened up, feeding on her anger and emotions as the thunder boomed over head, the thunder striking down the sky. She just kept running, able to keep ahead of her brother because of her head start. But his voice called out for her again, and as another boom of thunder sounded, she finally skid to a stop. Her fiery legs felt like jello as she stopped, but she couldn't help it. Ember eyes looked over her shoulder to see that Volty was still running after her, even as the storm brewed above. She knew that he was afraid of thunder, and yet here he was. He was fighting through the storm just to try and reach her. She let out an angry, frustrated growl as her jaws slammed down with a harsh bite. Eyes rolled as she looked to her left, a cave promising cover. She raced forward and attempted to grasp his scruff between her jaws, a little harsher than was needed. It probably wouldn't draw blood though, unless he struggled. Serefina then tried to drag his sorry ass towards the cave, dropping him and flopping to her own side once they were inside.

Panting, Serefina glared over at her brother, although running had helped her cool down enough that her burning eyes were more of a soft glow. "You're an idiot, you know that?" she asked between panting. She wasn't too tired, but she was starting to feel it in her legs. She knew that she needed to rest, but that was quite a long run for her companion. Letting out a sigh, she rose herself up and tucked her back legs under her, laying her head flat on the floor of the cave. Not many knew about Voltage's fear of thunder, which was silly really. It was supposed to be lightening's companion, but it scared him. Eyes cut towards him again, her soot coated ears pressing against her skull. "I'm sorry... but some of what I said was true. I know that the volcano was too small, I realize that. I also know that its hard to appease all of us, hell with that many wolves in one group its going to be impossible for all to walk away happy. I... I don't feel safe here. I feel.. well I don't really know how I feel," she said with a frustrated growl. Dull ember eyes looked out at the water, flinching slightly as the waves rolled against the black shore. Gross. She didn't know why Locha liked this stuff.

"Talk" "You" Think