
right in the eyeball



7 Years
02-22-2015, 03:26 AM


A wretched screaming rippled through the midday air, polluting it with a palpable horror so vile that it silenced all else. The breeze fled and left the desert brush still, and the birds ceased their chirping to sail off elsewhere. Insects fell quiet and crawled beneath their rocks. A sound that had caused so many to slink away with discomfort and guilty pity was the same sound that lifted one muzzle into the air and perked mismatched ears. The beastling sniffed rapidly, his jaws barely open. He smelled decay. A sudden, sharp and slurping inhale was made. It was a good smell. Of course, he didn’t need to smell it to know something was dying.

Settling his head back down and twisting it to the side some, he would cast his wild blue gaze left and right, scanning the barren plains. It was a strange place he’d come across, with pools here and there. They were black. He liked that color, but he didn’t like water very much. Needless to say, he had only just spotted these, and had not inspected them close enough to perceive the thickness that the substance held. Before he had gotten much of a chance to get close, the screaming had started.

With a pleased, grating hum he started off, weaving in between pools and grasses. Certainly, he was still interesting in these inky ponds, but screaming was so much more interesting. The fiend’s bony little body was surprisingly spry and quick, and it did not take him long before he could feast his eyes upon the source of the wailing. A young ungulate of some sort strained its neck to the point of pulling muscles as it struggled in one of the pools. The imp’s eyes widened as his chest swelled with an excited breath. ”Ooooh!” he squealed.  He could see now that the black water was not water at all, but some viscous substance – horrible and great in the simple danger it could pose. Black tendrils hugged tight at the body of the herbivore, stretching up past the middle of its legs, and unyielding in their grasp. It looked almost like it was pulling it down farther every minute. Was it alive?!

The deer-ish creature quickly caught sight of the wolf and began to cause even more of a racket, writhing and jerking the best it could. Despite the unintimidating stature of the little wolf, it was clear how much duress the other beast was under, and his presence did nothing to help. ”Yes, yes!” he jeered, growing more and more excited by the second as he jumped up and down and hopped around the edge of the pit. How interesting! How exciting! What was this marvelous material?!