
The Sky's Call



4 Years
02-22-2015, 03:30 AM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

The vixen plodded impatiently after her sister, following the scent trail and blessing their lucky stars it had given up on raining… at least today. The moon winked in and out from behind a cover of clouds, shining only a thin light either tomorrow or the next night her celestial body would be gone, refusing to shine it’s light upon the world below. Damn if sometime Selíni didn’t envy her brother and sister, they all were dependant on their element’s time of each day and yet she was the only one who had to live with it disappearing. Even when it was cloudy they could draw comfort knowing it was there, doing it’s damndest to push through the grey cover.  

Still with each moment they rose in altitude the more she felt the draw of her element, putting new energy into tired muscles. The moon maiden glanced behind her, casting sympathetic gaze upon her brother. His time had passed and yet they still trekked on to bring home their missing sibling. She made a mental note to make it up to him at some point.

The scent of their missing triplet grew stronger and Selíni sighed, bounding up the hillside. "Dammit Astrea, look I know you’re not happy but that’s no reason to go running off like a child and-" A low rumbling reached her and the vixen found herself facing down, or rather staring up at, a large spotted brute. There was still some space between them but not enough that Selíni wasn’t convinced she was safe. No doubt the much larger male could close the gap easily.

She may have been more active than her siblings but the vixen was no firecracker and the idea of ending up on the receiving end of the brute’s strength did not appeal to her in the slightest. Tail tucked and her eyes widened. Instinctively Selíni backed away, drawing her ears flat. A whimper rose in her throat, doubling in volume as she realized she could smell her sister just beyond the spotted male. What if she had run off and been attacked? Or Captured? "Please," she whined pitifully, "my sister…"
