



4 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 11:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 02:52 PM by Seerten.)

He had not been doing nearly as much wandering as he had in his earlier days, quite liking the cliffs that he had stumbled upon. But on this day his wanderlust had grown, and with reluctance he had left the cliff and headed towards the sea. That was the scent that he had last smelled on Astrea, and it made him realize that he had not seen the ocean for quite some time. So he made his way to the shore, the water dotted with several islands. Seerten fell to his rump, massive head tilting to the side. It was warm enough today that if he really wanted to swim across, he should be fine. His mix of wolf and dog fur made it interesting when he got wet, half of him drying almost instantaneous while the rest of his wolf hair hung there dripping wet. He really did look silly when he came out of the water, so he just tried to ignore it when he could. But it was then that a call rang out, his pointed ear twisting while is flopped over one just kinda perked a bit. Was there someone stuck on the island out there? It was quite small looking from here, but he kind of dreaded going into the water. Seerten was not a vain wolf, but he didn't like getting made fun of. When the woman cried out again, he sighed and slowly trudged into the waves. But it was noon, so hopefully he would dry off fast.

Reaching the island, he rose his giant form on to the sand, shaking out his coat. The wolf fur on his chest and neck still dripped, his tail soaked, while the rest of him looked dry. It kind of looked like someone had somehow cut off the rest of his hair and just left it short. Sighing again, the hybrid dragged his damp paws through the sand towards the woman who had called. As he neared, he heard a very strange language slip off her tongue. Was that... Slovenian? Some of the words sounded muddled, but some were close to the Slovenian language. Even more curious now, he picked up the pace and rounded the bend. And when he spotted the woman he had come here to see, he froze in his tracks. A galactic landscape spread before him on her coat, looking like she had parted with the sky and taken on the galaxy itself. Chocolate brown eyes blinked towards her, finding himself feeling like he was going to faint. While Astrea was the goddess of stars, this being before him appeared to be a whole galaxy. His jaws had parted to speak, but only gibberish flowed forth from his open yap. Realizing that he was being stupid, he snapped his jaws shut tight and eyed the woman. And holy crap she was taller than him. Never in his two years of life had he ever, ever met someone taller than he was. He stood at an impressive 40 inches, but she looked like she was at least 5 inches taller than him.

Seerten knew that he was being quite rude, but in all honesty he felt like he was going to pass out. He had never, ever seen a creature like this, and he could sit here and stare at her all day. If only social prodigal said that that was the norm. Bu it wasn't. "Hey there," he said at last, longer than his usual pause time had passed. Dammit he was being an idiot, but he was blown away but this wolf. "Sorry for staring... but you really look like you just landed here from the stars. I have a friend who would have died to meet you," his voice was soft and calm like it normally was, but he didn't come any closer to her. Really, he could have drowned trying to swim here and he was just dead. But he looked down at his legs and wiggled his toes, and they were still normal and spotted.

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.