



06-05-2013, 06:27 PM

The man listened to her and watched her. At first she seemed hesitant and upset. He had just told her to quit her original contract. He himself wanted to talk to Cyanide and perhaps work things out. Come to an understanding. At least see why she had left Tortuga to go to Valhalla of all places. That part still irked him the most. Karma would come back upon Collision. The hypocrite would rot in the worst of ways. Scavengers would pick from his bones and steal his eyeballs. If not he would see his kids suffer in some way shape or form. Something would happen. That much he was sure of. Cyanide didn't just switch over for some petty reason. After all she had been a loyal member from the very beginning.

Ears slid forward as she asked him what to say. His face took a thoughtful look as he debated on it. He hadn't actually imagined them and Seracia getting on good terms, much less Tortuga and Valhalla or any of the other packs for that matter. Regardless it was needed, if at least so they could build their army up and at least stand a fighting chance if anything ever went haywire.

"Just find out information about them. How they run things. Who their leaders are. Ask them how they feel about a treaty. For now we don't need to worry about getting our asses kicked. I'd rather us worry about rebuilding our pack because lately it's been falling apart and I won't have it."

He spoke with a fiery passion. He would not see something he created and put so much effort into go to waste. He refused to see it. Not while he was still alive and standing. He would do anything to not see it fall.
