
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-05-2013, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 08:05 PM by Cherokee.)

Mmm, I slept wonderfully. Her words were accompanied by a smile, which sent Cherokee's empty stomach fluttering with butterflies. Jeez. He hadn't felt like this around a woman in...well never. He'd never been with a woman like this or any sense. He'd never flirted with a girl, never hung out with one. Back with his family he had never found the need to do. He'd always been comfortable being around his family. He never required friends. If he did go out, it was on his own. He'd never had the pleasure of another's company, other than that of his parents or sisters, until now. And what company he had.

Though the two were fully awake now, it didn't seem like either wanted to move from where they were, at least Cherokee didn't. He thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of Song's smaller frame tucked against his own. It just felt right. The obsidian brute mentally chastised himself. Dude, you barely freaking met her. Calm the hell down. Do you even know if she likes you? She could just be acting polite because she doesn't wanna come off as rude...But what about the kiss? His mind froze as he recalled the brief kiss she'd bestowed him with before they'd fallen asleep. Had that meant anything or was that her way of thanking him? It was times like these that he wished he had more experience with the female species.

And then she was talking again, asking him how'd slept last night. I'm glad you slept well miss Song because I slept amazingly. Your pretty paws are quite comfortable actually. He presented her with his own smile in return, his thoughts silenced for the moment. A rumbling from beside him brought his dual-toned gaze to rest on Song's abdomen. She seemed surprised as her stomach announced its presence as well as its lack of nutrition. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as he slowly rose to his paws, careful not to let Song suddenly fall back. Spine arched in a feline manner, limbs splaying out as he stretched. A stupid grin curled his lips as he wondered how ridiculous he might look to Song, stretching his seemingly giant body in the small space. After chasing the weariness from his muscles Cherokee was careful as he gingerly stepped over Song, mindful of where his paws went lest he accidentally step on his companion. He stopped after he was completely on the other side of her, facing towards the entrance, turning his crown as he lowered it to her level. Presenting her with a small smile, the obsidian brute allowed his dark lips to press against her cheek for a moment before he pulled away quickly, making a quick exit. The morning greeted him with a cool chill, the sun cresting over the treetops, illuminating his dark figure. He stood before the entranced, heart drumming crazily inside his chest in reaction to his bold move, lids falling closed as he soaked up the sun, audits flicked back to the den, wondering what Song's reaction would be to the kiss and if she would follow him out.

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