
The Sky's Call



4 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 03:37 PM

All her previous words were forgotten when he smelled the wolves coming, unsure of who they were or if they were here for Astrea. She told him to wait, but he hardly heard her as the two wolves came up to him. The first was a much smaller woman, who seemed to be afraid of him. This made him hesitate, his growls stopping as his lips settled down again. She asked about her sister, which had him looking over his shoulder at the tiny black woman behind him. When he turned back around there was a male there, closer to him and snarling back at him. Ten huffed at him, and stood tall over the other man. He was still hesitating though, and was about to ask what this was all about until he heard that word again. Sister. Were these part of the Elemental siblings that his star goddess had spoken about before? But these thoughts were all answered by Astrea as she brushed along his side, telling him that they were indeed related. He looked down at his little star and smiled softly, chocolate brown gaze casting up to the other two. He said nothing, but reclined on to his haunches as he watched her rush up to her litter mates.

She told her brother to stop, saying that Seerten wouldn't hurt a fly. Well... it was mostly true. He really, really hated physical fights, but didn't mind wielding his powerful mind and tongue. When he was being introduced, he dipped his head towards the sun and the moon, completely calm now that he had a chance to mull everything over. Astrea came towards him again, nuzzling against his cheek. Seerten smiled at her even wider, rumbling as he pressed a soft lick to her ear. He considered her his closest friend as well, but it sounded very nice as it came from her lips. She told her siblings that she needed to spend time with him, and he let out a low chuckle. "You know that you are always welcome here, Astrea." Ten's words were soft, meant only for her ears.

Raising his massive, furry head the brute eyed the other too that had come. It concerned him that his little star dusted friend had been surprised that they had followed her here. Pausing for a moment to think things over, he didn't take his chocolate gaze off of the two. "First, I would like to apologize for being so rude when you first arrived. I saw that Astrea was distressed and was concerned that she was hiding from you. And second," with that he turned back to the purple marked girl, his chin tipping towards his chest to look all the way down at her. "why are you so surprised that they followed you here? I may not know what happened, but I do know that there is no bond stronger than family. No matter how they may feel towards you in that direct moment, family will always come for one another." His voice was soft and sweet, and he pressed his big black nose to her forehead. Ten looked back up at his siblings, another one of his usual silences passing. "Right?" What he hoped that they didn't detect was the slight pang of sadness in his speech. He no longer had his family, but he would still do anything for them, even if he didn't know if they were alive or dead. These siblings were lucky, to all have each other.


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.