
I'm too hot make a dragon wanna retire man


02-22-2015, 04:11 PM

When Silveris woke up, she went to explore at dawn, for one reason. She was three years old already. It seemed that not too long ago she was a pup, living with her adopted family, without a thought that her own family may be out there. But now, she wanted something else.She wanted a family. Miniature versions of her and Emery running at their feet. At the thought, Silveris smiled, glancing at her white paws. Already she was imagining a little pup nibbling at her paws, a few more play-fighting, and some exploring. Silveris hoped that Emery was nearby, although she wasn't sure what to say. Sighing, she quietly began to mutter to herself, as if she were talking to Emery. "Emery, may I talk to you? I know this is probably sudden, but..." She trailed off shaking her head. No, that wasn't good enough. Maybe the brown and white female would have to say anything that came to mind when her mate appeared.

Pacing around, she relaxed. She raised her head, about to howl, but thought better of it and lowered her head. Alright, Silveris. Emery will never know that you want a family unless you tell him. And maybe he wants a family himself. Just tell him. Sighing, Silveris made her decision. Raising her head again, she allowed a long howl to escape her throat and break the almost silent dawn air.
