
Tiny Beasts and Little Teeths

Mercy I


5 Years

02-22-2015, 04:16 PM

She was glad that he did not push personal matters, but instead settled on this little game that they were playing. But Mercy quickly learned that she was fighting fire with a much larger fire. She was about half a year younger than he was, and had little experience in this game. He played it with much more skill than she has expected, welding his weapon with more strength. She watched the shiver shoot down his spine, his tail quivering behind him. It made her own toes curl into the earth as she saw that she was the one who brought that reaction forth. He moved closer and closer, raising a single paw as he teased her with his sly words. A brow rose at his question, and she was confused for a moment. Was she supposed to start humping him or start biting him? Or both? But she caught that challenging gaze, and knew just want he wanted. Blood. She tossed a sly grin at him, curling her own bodice around him as she tried to drag her right flank along his left, seeking to wrap her form around his rump before standing level with him on his left side. Head tipped downwards at him, her purple eyes dancing with a heat and intensity that surprised even herself. Never before had she been in something like this, but she liked it. "As you wish, Kyarst." she said with a growl. Then with quickness in her movements, she opened her jaws and aimed to bite down at the center of Kyarst's scruff. It was almost a teasing bite, only hoping for it to be just hard enough to draw a little bit a blood. A little taste of what she could really do to the smaller man. Mercy's elongated tail picked up and tried to drape across his rump, the tip of her tail quivering against his hind left leg. Not even knowing if this is what he had intended, she was seeking to hold his scruff within her jaws as her tail went on teasing his fur.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.