
borderl i n e


02-22-2015, 04:55 PM

Crinkling her nose and shaking her head, Silveris walked closer, thinking that this may be a good place to live, as the brown and white female smelt no other wolves living here. And, because of the water, there may be plenty of prey for them to hunt. Pausing for a moment, she stared at a small river, lowering her head and sniffing of it. Unlike the sea the half blind female saw, the river didn't smell of salt, and seemed safe to drink out of. Lapping up some water, her head jolted up as another walked by, even her sightless blue eye watching the other female. Her green eye showed some fear, but, despite that, white paws carried her slowly towards the other one, each step she took hesitant. Her brown fur ruffling for a moment, she flinched as the solid ground became grainy under her paws. Maybe it was the water, but the female missed her old home, one that had several memories tied to it. Where she found Emery and Biull, the storm, being blinded....Silveris wondered if anything was left of it, and made a mental note to go see soon.

At the sight of the other diving into the sea, Silveris hesitated, not hearing the happy yelp, and began to run forwards. When she got to the water, it tugging at her paws, she stopped, her green eye searching for any sign of life.  Lowering her head, Silveris got ready to try and drag the other out of the water. When the wolf burst out of the water, Silveris yelped and moved away, her fur bristling with fear. Although water had been something that had kept her family away from other wolves, all she could think of was the storm. The blood on her face going into the water, not being able to see in one eye, the pain. The water, rising up to her legs, forcing her to swim off the island. Closing her eyes, Silveris shook her head and pushed the memories to the back of the mind. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice surprisingly quiet. "It looked like you almost drowned."
