
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



06-05-2013, 07:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

More gathered and all the while Ashtoreth's two-toned gaze drifted over the faces expectantly, each time disappointed. Surely the meeting would begin soon and her attention would need to be given over fully to the wolf who had once ruled over them, the one who had called for their meeting. It surprised her, after a lull in the new arrivals, to note that Collision did not even seem to be present anywhere, and it further fueled her confusion. Letting her attention waver from the remaining stragglers to settle wholly upon Cairo, the petite wolf could only hope the mysteries that she was noticing could be cleared up.

The meeting began before she knew it, but no sooner had Cairo begun speaking Ash knew it would not be a pleasant event. Wolves were called out for their previous transgressions, their once leader had stepped down, and now the care of the pack would be placed in the hands of an unknown, the wolf who had sat by idly and silently while Cairo took the lead. Ashtoreth's eyes shifted to watch the stranger furtively, wondering how well this change might effect the whole of Valhalla. There seemed to be so much instability of late, inside the pack and out, that she was reluctant to take things at face value anymore. Who was to say chaos might not ensue from this unexpected promotion?

It was not her place to speak, and neither did she want to, so she bit her tongue, merely tucked her chin where she sat and stared at the ground pensively as the voices of recognizable pack members reacted to the elder wolf's declarations. The diplomatic and compassionate Chrysanthe was the first to speak, rising quickly to the defense of her pack mates. Her actions were admirable, though Ash wondered how much merit they might hold overall. More spoke, their old leader left, but it was Epiphron's words that caught her attention most. A change in leadership yet again? As much as the thought irked her, the grey would could only sigh quietly. If she thought her sister better prepared for such a task, then who was she to object if it meant the betterment of their pack? And Chrysanthe had already shown her compassion and regard for each of them. Perhaps it was for the best.

Syrinx's arrival was most unexpected, and for the first time since Cairo had spoken Ashtoreth lifted her head to peer narrowly at the youth, who, she had to admit, looked less youthful now. Young, yes, but filling out, the mysterious son of their ex-leader maneuvered rather forcefully through the throngs and positioned himself where Cairo had been mere moments before, a challenge all in itself. Declarations of his own rolled from his lips commandingly, as if the power was already his to wield, and he waited as if expecting things to fall right into place as he decreed. She had expected opposition to rise, and sure enough it did. Chrysanthe, newly appointed leader and all, accepted her sibling's challenge, and a fight for the Alpha position of Valhalla ensued.

Ashtoreth rose as the two faced off, quickly limping her way back through those who still remained, to stand well away from the challenge, wishing to observe yet keep herself safe all the same. This was madness! In what felt like such a short time, the stability and community and warmth that had once spread thickly through her home territory had vanished. Wolves could not agree any longer, leaders could not hold their positions without earning the ire and mistrust of their subjects, words could not be exchanged without insult being given or taken. It was ridiculous. This isn't home. It was painful to admit, but it was something she needed to realize. As Cairo said, Valhalla was not what it once was. She could only hope that whatever it turned to be might be still bearable enough to live with.

Very briefly did her eyes stray from the fighting, merely to see who still remained as many had started to depart, ushering away youngsters who would do better not to witness the intricacies and destruction of battle. But one face caught her attention, one face she had thought to have left well before. His blue eyes seemed ravaged by pain and suffering, possibly at the sight of his children fighting, but as he collapsed she had to wonder, with a sickening drop of her stomach, if it was not something much worse. She didn't bother attending him - she was no healer and would have been useless even on a good day - but did glance about worriedly, hoping that as the fight calmed that someone might be willing to aid the collapsed Cairo. A call rang from a large black male and evnetually Erani arrived. Knowing she was there eased Ashtoreth's panic, though she knew they were nowhere in the clear just yet.

It was all too much to take in, honestly. The fighting, the injury, the fainting, the chaos. The change. A part of her, a strong part, insisted she leave. She was of no use currently, just a bystander left on the sidelines to witness the collapse of a once great king. But duty and dedication and honest concern rooted her to the spot, refusing to let her leave. Cairo had ruled when she arrived, and he had done so justly and with great care and consideration to each under his protection. Whatever had just happened could not erase that. Knowing herself to be a hindrance more than an asset, the injured she-wolf walked quietly closer to the group who had gathered around Cairo and stopped well beyond their protective inner circle. She merely watched, waiting, expectant and hopeful that those skilled healers present might work whatever magic they possessed and fix whatever was wrong.