
Death Of An Assassin



06-05-2013, 07:22 PM

He would listen to Morphine as she spoke. She offered him a portion of the hatred she had to show and he could see there was quite a lot of it. His haunch burned like fire, but the man stood steadily. He refused to appear any weaker than he already was. Age had already been unfair to him, now his bleeding wound would make it even more so. This would take a while to heal. He was positive he wouldn't be able to take her on in a fight either. She was much younger and more agile than him.

"She may be a traitor, but I wasn't going to let her die in this swamp. Not when I hadn't gotten the chance to speak with her on why she betrayed the pack in the first place. I don't enjoy meeting up like this either morphine, but I did have my reasons for saving her life. I will not say her actions were right, but neither were my son's. Everyone makes mistakes and I can accept that."

And there it was. Cyanide spoke and he then learned the reason as to why she had betrayed them. Granted he felt as though she should have come to him, along with any other of the Tortugans that had complaints. No one ever did though. He would have easily taken the throne from Kaien though. In fact, had he known it would have caused so many problems, he never would have let Kaien have it to begin with. He'd left for his own selfish desires. It was wrong, but at the time it felt right. It wasn't as though he could foresee the future.

Head then snapped upwards as that blasted culture came into view. The damn scavenger then began spitting out his horrid rhymes like he had done at the pack meeting. Lip furled back into a gruesome snarl as he glared upon the bird with obvious malice. He had absolutely no business being here. This was an ordeal that he absolutely did not need to antagonize.

"Dare come closer and I promise you your head will be severed from your neck and no longer will you be able to spew those petty little rhymes of yours scavenger."

If the damned creature made any move towards them he would do whatever he could to make sure the blasted thing died. He found it absolutely despicable. Fur bristled and head snapped as a new arrival came upon the scene. What was this? It surely wasn't a fest for just any wolf to come upon. He shifted uncomfortably and Nnoitra's muscles tensed in preparation in case he was attacked. His uneasiness grew. Would they even make it out of this alive? It didn't seem as though he would. The way this gathering was going it wasn't going to end well.

As if it couldn't any more crowded though a new wolf came to the scene. This one was familiar though and eyes rested upon a black yearling. He looked at the raccoon marked wolf and muscles relaxed slightly. He wasn't happy she was here. Secret would probably have his hide if her child go hurt. He also didn't want to see her injured because she brought herself in a situation. He was also glad for her presence though. It made him feel just a ta bit better having someone who wasn't going to make the situation worse. At least if things went to hell he had help. Perhaps though they would have a slightly more peaceful meeting now that they were all outnumbered. A fight right now could be chaotic.

The last wolf to arrive about made him want to roll his eyes. Of course the bastard had to show up now at all times. The male's presence surely wasn't going to be helpful, unless he magically grew a heart and took his side on things. If he was lucky though he would stay out of it and just observe. Voice colder than ice drawled out as he spoke, trying to hide his obvious irritation with things.

"Kaios. I do hope you're here to not antagonize things, because if you hadn't noticed there's enough imbeciles here already doing that."

Two toned gaze flashed dangerously towards the white wolf he didn't know, and then the damned bird. His gaze then traveled back to Morphine. His gaze was weary and tired, and yet he still retained the fire he had for all of his youth. This was between them and he would make that known. He did not wish to fight her, for he still viewed her as an ally, if she did not view herself as a friend. Loyalty was something he thrived on, and he viewed this as merely a misunderstanding and different views clashing. Could they work something out, or would she continue to hold this against him?

"Are we going to be civil about this, or is someone going to die today because of a simple failure to communicate and a clashing of different opinions? To me it sounds like a horribly petty thing to fight over if you ask me. Not worth dying over."
