



3 Years
02-23-2015, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 10:15 AM by Lysis.)
Though her last encounter with Kyarst had been far from pleasant, she had no intentions of leaving Imperium or even of spending that much time away from him. He was her blood, through and through; he was the only one that would stand by her side through everything, and she would not let him go so easily, no matter how much he pissed her off.

There was relief from the summer heat today in the form of a gentle breeze that whipped from the east across the knolls. A thankful sigh fell from her lips as she climbed a particularly tall hill, eager to fully explore her new home. It was far from ideal -- it was too hot for her -- though she was grateful for these knolls, which reminded her vaguely of the mountains of the north even though they were infinitely smaller.

Only when the figure of a stranger with a white pelt entered her vision did she shift her attention from her own quiet thoughts. She stood on a hill adjacent to her won, and with ease she made her way down the sharp incline and up the following slope to approach her. Ears twitched atop her skill as she examined her, figuring she ought to get to know some of the members here. The scent of buffalo was heavy in the air and she was careful to scope out her surroundings, knowing the last thing she wanted was to get trampled by a herd of them. Only when she drew a bit closer to the stranger did her scent spark a hint of recognition within her, and momentarily her eyes would widen. This was the bitch that Kyarst had reeked of just the other day. Her tail would flick idly behind her as she closed the distance between them, forcing a sweet smile onto her feminine features. Boy -- was she young. "Hello there," came her sickly-sweet, almost sing song voice, eyes glimmering as she greeted her. "Enjoying the view?" Came her gentle inquiry, tilting her head as she made her way to the top of the hill and gazed down upon the large herd of buffalo that stood below in the distance.