

Mercy I


5 Years

02-23-2015, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 11:31 AM by Evelyn.)

It was so hard not to race down and chase those buffalo, she needed to do something, anything, to get rid of all this pent up energy. She was so focused on the herd that she didn't hear another approach her from her left. Not until a singsong voice called out to her did her ears twitch, head slowly turning to face the caller. She eyed up another pale woman, brown lining her eyes and painting her ears. Pretty hazel eyes gazed up at her, and as she blinked down she realized just how much taller she was than this petite dame. Mercy was used to no longer being the tallest, so it was kind of nice to be taller than some wolves. But that wasn't what had caught her attention so fiercely, it was that sickly sweet voice. She knew another that used that kind of voice, and Cascade was always up to no good. Mercy's gaze was calculating as she eyed the smaller female, an easy smile placed on her maw. "Yes, its a wonderful place, these knolls. Its very tempting to force a stampede," she said in a casual matter, purple gaze once more eying the strong beasts. "But with all these pups running around... its probably not the best idea." She easily shared her opinion in a form of idle conversation, all the while her mind spinning. This wolf was new to this pack, and there was only one other wolf that she had yet to meet -- Kyarst's sister. It was hard to imagine that they were related, although with that almost-too sweet voice, she had a feeling that even she would be able to do things that her brother had done to her. Smirking, her head slowly turned back towards the other, eying her up and down. "You wouldn't happen to be Lysis, would you?" Now it was her turn to feign innocence, her lashes batting in the females direction. The black brute had told her the name of his sister, just as she had shared the name of her brother.

Mercy kept her skepticism to herself, she knew that it wasn't smart to snap judge other wolves. After all, she was a pack mate and she wasn't going to do anything to harm them. Well... unless they liked it. Lips pursed to hold back a laugh, instead she let her gaze wander. If this was indeed Kyarst's half sister, why was she being so calculating? Maybe she just didn't trust that voice, it had taken her awhile to realize that even Cascade used that voice, even while getting what she wanted. Smart girls. There was just something putting her on edge, and she didn't know why. Slowly she lowered herself to her rump, elongated tail curling around her side. While she had been inspecting Lysis -- if that is who she was -- she had noticed the thickness of her coat. It was summer, her own coat was more wispy and thin, the thickness of winter long gone now. "A little far from home, are you not?" She asked, actual curiosity in her words. She had never been to the North, she had lived in the South all her life and had no intentions of going to somewhere that cold. She was quite alright here.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.