
Look at you, all grown


06-05-2013, 08:22 PM

His eye watched as his daughter approached him, wagging tail and all. He was delighted that she had came, and as she pressed her noise to his chest Ulrike Laid his head upon her's and gave a gentle lick. He watched as his daughter as she spoke to him, his face remained that serious expression, while his tail swayed gently. He did not respond right away, he just laid his head upon hers and closed his eyes. He knew that he would not be here for more than two more years, and what ever is brewing in his leg will only get worse. He Licked Xenois's head and lifted his own to look at her.

"Yes i did My daughter. Please walk with me." he said as he turned around and started to walk, he walked with a limp, which was normal since he walked like that for years, but the limp was much greater now. "Xenios i can tell that you see me aging, and when i look at you i can see a bit of fear. I just want to let you know that no matter what happens, i want you to do your best in life. I don't want you to regret anything that you have done. " He paused and inhaled, the scent of another came from his daughter's pelt and to his nose. Ulrike stopped and turned to his daughter, he pressed his nose to her pelt to make sure what he smelt was correct.

Pulling back Ulrike looked at Xenios, he smelt male on her. Normaly he would ask questions but he wanted his daughter to tell him. Surely she figured out as to what he had smelt by now. He stood there not saying a word except
"Why is that scent on you, my daughter"
