
Burning in her flame



5 Years
02-23-2015, 02:33 PM

"You're right..."

She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Of course I'm right, when aren't I?" She asked in a teasing matter, nudging at her brothers shoulder. He fell silent for a moment and his eyes closed, so she shut her mouth and just let him be. It was hard for her not to fill the silence, but she licked her chops and waited. This wasn't one of their normal conversations, it was as thick as the air outside. But she did notice one thing, he wasn't shaking as much now when thunder boomed over head. Maybe she had bored him so much with all her serious talk that he had just fallen asleep. Sighing softly she bent down and licked at his scruff, it was probably sore from her dragging him by it. When he started about how he still thought of her as a little fire ball, she let out a soft snort as she grinned a bit. It was the hardest time of her life though, when he had been pulled away from her. "I cried so hard when you left. I fought against our parents and called them a bunch of mean names for taking you away from me. That is where I learned strength, where I learned how to protect myself with a fiery attitude," she said softly, looking down at her brother at her side. "But that was then, Voltage. You have to live in the now and let go of that past. Yeah, shit happened, and it effects us still. But would we be who we are today without that pain? Would we be so close?" Her voice was thoughtful, she was mentally answering her own questions as she spoke them. "Without those lows, we wouldn't know just how high we float now. Even though being sad sucks ass, it means that we can then compare just how happy we really are. Things are so messed up... but its how it was all meant to be." Serefina felt like it wasn't even her talking, she wasn't usually this thoughtful. But it was there, it always had been. It was just a lot easier to be mad.

Voltage turned and nuzzled into her neck and she laid very still, letting him push against her. It was not in fear this time, but in sadness. He asked for him to forgive her, pressing kissed on her throat. "I forgave you the moment you ran after me in a storm." She whispered, ember eyes falling on his face. When she saw his tears gathered she pressed a kiss on the top of his skull, humming softly. "Its hard, when we were younger we did look up to you for advice. The youngest ones may still do that, but you have to realize that we are all getting older. We want to help, Voltage. We don't want our lives mapped out before us. We have earned a place to be involved in the family." Serefina moved her leg when he pulled away from her, although she missed him all at once. His warmth had been comforting, it had helped her to focus on her thoughts.

He looked up and asked when she grew up, and her head tipped up as she let out a bark of laughter. "The day you were taken from my side," she said, looking down at her brother with a smirk. It was true though, that was the moment that she had learned that she could not always depend on others, that they could be taken away from her in a moments notice. Not that it was Voltage's fault. He asked when she changed, that she could have been smooshed into a pup puddle by their eldest brother. "We change as often as the wind, as the heat of a flame. I don't think we are ever quite the same as we once were." Her voice was still soft, wise beyond her years it seemed. Serefina didn't talk like this often, it was like all the wise she had gathered was being vomited out at once, in one conversation. Voltage teased about having family sleep overs, and she smiled, but said nothing else about the subject.

His paw was back against his head as he talked about being stubborn and him being misguided. "We are all many things, but we all love each other no matter what. Hell, even Locha called out to me and we don't often get along well," she said with a shrug, nuzzling his scruff for a moment. When he talked about passing the torch as it were, her eyes lit up with anger, a loud booming growl leaving her maw. "No." she spat, hackles raising. She had her moment of calm, but that never lasted for a long time. Rumbling she stood up and rose over Voltage, stepping so that she was directly on top of him. Her head lowered towards her, lips pulling back to a snarl. "You share the torch, you don't give up. Come on Voltage, you are stronger than that and you know it! You need to stop hiding behind your worries and fears, because you are bigger than that. Grow up and realize it." She spat. Fiery eyes narrowed towards him, making sure that he damn well heard her, and knew what she was saying.

She stepped away from him, deeper into the cave, as he sighed and asked what had come first. She took a deep breath, turning around to glance at her brother. She stayed about two feet back from him, lingering in the shadows. Forcing herself to her rump, her eyes still alight, she thought about the question. "Ii think we became ourselves. We are not our names, and we chose our elements before birth. Why do you think that it calls to us? I've watched Astrea climb up to the top of my volcano just to be closer to the stars. That is not faked, nor was it thrust upon us. We were created as our own, and became our own. If they named me Rayne I would still be the Serefina I am today." Her voice was still grumbled, irritation still evident in her raised hackles. "But I've always had a theory about our parents. I don't think that they sired us at all," she paused, a dramatic effect as she eyed her brother. "Think about it. None of us look alike, not even a little bit. Our colours range so greatly that two wolves simply could not have all of them. Even in their vast bloodline, I doubt that we would end up as diverse as we are. I think that they took us, raised us as their own, and then kicked us out. I don't remember that bitch ever even being with pups, but I wasn't there long... But still, there are too many gaps, too many colours. The dots just aren't connecting."

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