
Elementas Background Brainstorm



6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 02:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 03:13 PM by Glacier.)
What Mouser has of the history is kind of what i had in mind also, would love to hear what everyone else made of their history! We also need to think of a reason why their family was doing in, with the personality of the parents being slightly dispassionate but not unloving, so I want their reason to be sound, but their method perhaps to be extreme or frowned upon (the method being banishing the kids) and would love ideas and feed back to why the parents are doing this.

Glacier is very steady and difficult to faze, so he loved everyone of course. He would be closest to Voltage, they grew up together just the two of them and did everything together, which means Glacier has had a taste of doing things Voltage's way, but always fallen back onto his own calm, and slow approach. I would love to say that Voltage has gotten him into trouble on occasion, and that Glacier has had to bale Voltage out of some situations ;)
Of the second litter, as the two highest strung siblings, Voltage and Sere are closest, I would like to say that he is closest to Gale. A part of this is how sweet, and small Gale, with a little bit of trouble in her too ;) is that it really gets his protective side up, and with her being calmer then Voltage and Sere he can display his love to her more easily - and with this I can also say that Anais reminds him of Gale in a lot of ways, but his feelings for Anais of course are far different of those to Gale.
Terrea and Locha are the calmest of the lot I believe so his relationship with them is easy and sweet, and that they have a good understanding between them.
Sere is trouble, and like Voltage adds a bit of excitement to his life (whether he wants that excitement or not ;))
The latest litter, he can't remember to greatly and is getting to know them all over again.
I hope I haven't somehow missed anyone o.O