
A Grand Feast [pack activity]

Rune I


5 Years
02-23-2015, 02:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune glanced at his son beside him as they waited for the pack to arrive, assessing the boy after their hunt. He seemed to have come away unscathed, which was good news, though his pale coat did look a little ruffled from the exertion of their efforts. He still occasionally licked at his lips, though the grey Guardian did not quite believe it was merely as a means of cleaning up whatever mess he might have made during their hunt; from the way his rosy eyes, a deeper shade than his mother's, continued to find their way back to the hog, Rune suspected he was eager for their potluck to begin.

It was amusing, but Rune kept his amusement to himself, choosing instead to redirect his attention away as he waited for the members of Secretua to show. And first to make an appearance was their sole Hunter, Saga. A quick, sidelong glance was made toward his son as the young wolf he had stood up for approached them, wondering if the boy was as pleased as his father that the girl was contributing. And very well at that. Not one but three rabbits, plump and perfect, dangled limply from her jaws - surely a chore to carry - and with a calm, subtle smile he nodded his approval. "A fine contribution," he praised in his simplistic way.

Another came forward to join them, and because of the sight she posed Rune had to do a double take. Warja, his eccentric daughter, was practically bouncing because of the bird she carried, a lovely goose already partially plucked and with the evidence of it still scattered over the girl and stuck in her fur. He did his best not to shake his head at the state of her, though he did sigh as he tried not let his lips quirk into something more wry and telling. "Didn't give you much trouble, I hope?" he asked of his daughter as she set the bird down beside the hog, moving forward to pluck a feather from the fur of her neck before her brother could get a chance to say something teasing about it.