
Time to begin



9 Years
02-23-2015, 03:14 PM



Arcus followed Glacier’s lead away from the small volcano. No doubt the move would leave some family members a little uneasy, some perhaps even a little upset, but in the end the most important thing was they stay together. That small little cave could barely hold the siblings before he and the others were led there. They were a large family, so such a small place was no longer feasible if they wanted to share a home. So it had been discussed, and the decision came to be that they would move to a beach.

As they all walked, Arcus made note of everyone’s demeanor. Serefina was pouting in the back, and Voltage was, as usual, hanging off her trying to make her feel better. The rest did not seem nearly as upset with the decision they had all agreed upon, but Astrea was also a little sad over the move. The cloud colored wolf was sure she would find happiness at the beach as well. No doubt there would be somewhere for her to reach out to her stars, she just had to keep positive and wait to see. He knew how distance could feel from one’s element. Storms were ever present, but there was no way he could ever actually reach them.

As Glacier spoke, Arcus listened intently, eyes glued to the elder brother. Without averting his gaze, he kept an eye on everyone through his peripherals. He was not the oldest, but he did care greatly for each of his family members. After Voltage rose to speak, Serefina spat out at the elders. Arcus looked at her in confusion. Yes, she had to leave that place so close to her element, but was family so unimportant to her that she was willing to throw a fit because they could not all continue living there?

“Temper tantrums are unbecoming, sister. Hardly a way a goddess should act.” He spoke calmly, loud enough to be heard but his voice just carrying like a strong breeze. Arcus loved all of his family, but the self-centered attitude Serefina seemed to hold, likely born of the amount of attention Voltage gave her, was troublesome. Arcus would not humor her as she would sit upon her pedestal. He would seek to bring her happiness, but not at the cost of the others, just as he would for all of them. So he let her go, let her run off to expend her energy and let Voltage give chase. The others needed caring for as well, after all.

“I follow your lead, brother. I am happy anywhere the family goes. Without you all, no matter how close I get to my clouds, I would never be truly happy, never even content. If anyone would like help settling in, let me know, and I’ll help in whatever way I can.” It was easier for Arcus to move from one place to the next. No matter how close to the skies he got, he knew that he would never truly be close to his storms. Even if he could, it would not be worth losing his family over. As for where he would lay his head, he did not really care, so long as he had room to stretch out comfortably. Then he noticed Astrea’s absence. The siblings of her litter spoke of taking care of her, and Arcus nodded.

“Just let us know if there’s anything we can do. I’ll look into a high rise for us to be able to come close to the skies.”