
Time to begin



6 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 03:51 PM

Astrea's subtle disappearance was noted by a lot of them, and he would watch her go with a growing sadness. He had included everyone in this, he hadn't exactly been 'that's it, where moving out, follow me' but had talked to them, and everyone – except Sere had seemed to be in agreement with him. For most of them, including Glacier, the problem was that the Volcano was just to small for them all to live, with no other suitable dens and it just wasn't right for them. Surely they all knew that they hadn't moved because Glacier and Voltage weren't happy – those two would have lived anywhere, so long as it was right for their siblings. He shook his head sadly, wondering how he could make this right. His eyes where glancing over the sky twins, just settling on Solaris who seemed concerned for her sisters disappearance, when Gale moved forward and his attention moved to his little sister.

Her light chatter lifted his spirits and he smiled at her gratefully, through he pretended to let out a sigh. “Your right sister, of course, you'll need the biggest cave. I'm sure i'll fit best in the smallest” he added, and winked to all his siblings.

Selini had also seen their star siblings disappearance and he stood, he said a few words and Glacier nodded gratefully at them, he would of course do whatever he could to help his siblings, and the tour could wait until they where all back and more happy with this beach choice they had found themselves in.

he smiled at Terrae as he said that it was different, but he had no doubt that his earthen brother would find things here that he loved – there was life he just couldn't see yet, to the small trees that grew in the water a little further down, to the earthen outcroppings that circled the rocks and hung out a little above the water that made a great highway for a race, and he could be with the earth the entire way – to the caves around them, that held wonders he had yet to see, stalagmites and stalactites and many other sights.

He nodded also at Arcus, who spoke about family – the reason they where all here together and always would be, for their love of family, a love of each other, a bond that their parents had only strengthened when they had kicked them all out, because it further proved how deeply they had each other. “Alright, well settle in as you can, i'll do whatever I can to help you all and I will call a tour in a few hours for anyone interested” he promised, jumping down from the rock to mingle with his loved ones, going to Gale and sticking his nose in the fur of her neck, and kissing her ear.“You'll love it here little giant” he promised here, before moving on to others of his beloved family. “Terrae, i'll show you the wonders of the caves, and the life I've found here so far, and i'm sure you'll find so much more when you explore” he promised him, bumping his giant head against his brothers affectionately, “Hey sport” he teased, bumping his shoulder against Arcus as he made his way over to Locha. “They'll be alright, we all will be, you know that right?' he asked his sweet sister gently, his own eyes moving to look at what was left of the third litter, as he struggled to make himself believe his own words.

