
Toil and Trouble



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 04:13 PM

A volcano. The heat in the air was almost unbearable, summer coupled with boiling magma already had her panting heavily. Why was she here? A scent. That was why. Fresh, mostly. Unmistakably her brothers, and yet she was wary here. The gods' influence was strong in this place, she could feel it in the very air around her. Nostrils flaring against the soot covered soil, she inhaled the familiar aroma. Finally, she would not be alone in this place. Lifting her crown, she sought the familiar form of her beloved sibling. It was then a familiar voice called to her, close at hand and strong as anything. Joyous, a grin would split her lips and pull a song from her throat in response. When the last notes trailed into the air, she was running. Leaps and bounds, immense paws taking enormous strides across the uneven, rocky slope. He was here, and finally she had found him, after all of her searching.

She found him near the summit, all pallid violet hues and snowy stains against the dark backdrop of the volcano. Tears welled in her eyes unbidden, a sob caught in her throat. It turned quickly to a harsh laugh, as she barreled forward to embrace him. Intricately marked forelimbs reached out to capture him, a gleeful cry escaping her. She would bury her face in his thick fur, taking comfort in the cosmos that engulfed her features. "Mitra, brat mi." She mumbled into his fur, in utter disbelief. Oh how she had missed him. Plush banner would wag delightedly, as she held her brother tighter.

"Mislev deka se mrtvi." She breathed, blinking furiously to hold back the tears in her eyes. Gently she would press her cheek against his own, a sigh of relief shuddering from her lungs. Reluctantly she released him, looking him over. He didn't look hurt, thank the gods. "Mislev deka nikogaš nema da te vidam povtorno, Jas mislev, deka ti se izgubeni za mene, Mitra... mislev.." She whimpered, finally unable to hold back her tears. She tucked her cranium under his jaw, desperate to assure herself he was really there, and it wasn't a specter sent to taunt her. He was alive, and they were together again. Everything was going to be alright now.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!