
you just can't hide



02-23-2015, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 04:16 PM by Mnemosyne.)
Mneme's ears fell flat against her head as she listened to her sister and brother's shaky words, their sorry pleas - often Mnemosyne liked to think of herself as the oldest of the litter, and although she was just as frantic as Philotes and Aether in that moment, she sucked in a deep gulp of blood-scented air and shut her eyes in an attempt to calm down. There were so many emotions, bubbling up all at once and screwing with her head that it was becoming very hard for the child to keep her thoughts from scrambling together. She was confused mostly, hardly sad or disgusted, by the sight of her mother in battle - it was the sadness and fright that she heard in the voices of her siblings that ignited a new feeling in her heart, anger.

She listened as her aunt vaguely explained the situation, her mother had a score to settle. Mneme's tail slammed against the ground and she hopped to her feet indignantly, she was about to say something, to wail and scream, until the scent of her father met her nose. She turned instantly, watching as Helios came towards them and sat down beside Phoebe, and Mneme ran to him. She buried herself in his side, and eyed Aether as he spoke, her heart burning as she heard his voice shake. Mnemosyne didn't understand why there was a fight in the first place, all she could understand was that she didn't understand anything at all - she was not afraid, or saddened by the sight of the battle though, she was confident that her mother would be fine.

Mneme knew nothing of the illness that plagued Natalya, and although the pup could see her mother was frailer than other wolves, she had never known her mother in any other way; the child did not see the true extreme of her mother's plight or the stakes of this fight. Her eyes moved to watch the combatants once again, pink eyes ablaze as blood spilled before them. The initial shock of seeing her mother in such a dangerous dance faded away and burning aggression took its place, mixed with the ever present confusion as to why this was happening at all.