
Burning in her flame



6 Years
02-23-2015, 04:52 PM

He took in everything, her affection, her fire, her everything. He felt his heart sing, felt the most at home here in the den with her. This was everything he needed and could ever want. If family were an element, he'd ask for a trade. With a gentle smile, he would listen to her as she spoke, her every word, and he'd let it all soak in. "You continue to grow before my very eyes.." He said with a gentle smile before his lips spread in a toothy grin. "Who knew my little sister was so wise. What happened?" He teased. They were all changing, every day, before his eyes, and he couldn't ask for anything more. They were all growing up into fine adults, and he knew he would have to adjust his attitude towards his responsibility for them. It would just take time, like a father letting his daughter go out into the world. Perhaps it was too much, he would have to dial it back, that was for sure. He nodded his head in silence. Perhaps yes, he wouldn't give up what had happened to them for anything, it allowed them all to grow into who they were today. Where would Voltage have been if he hadn't assumed the responsibility of his myriad of kin.

When she got angry, he winced but didn't move, didn't speak, he just took her flames. Share the torch, the responsibility, that was the solution wasn't it. She would move to the back of the den but he remained where he was, listening to the patter of rain outside their den, and the distant booming of thunder. It was heading away from them now, and he was sure it would be a clear night by the time it was all over. Ears flicked as he listened to her theories, blinking down at the ground by his paws. They had selected their destiny before they had even been born? That could be, but why did Voltage seem so on the fence about whether he belonged to his named element or not. He sighed gently and moved to stand, to shift closer to his sister and soak in her warmth? again. "What if someone doesn't feel they belong to their named element?" He asked softly, glancing up at her. "A black sheep..." They were all who they not because of their elements, he knew that, but for a family that was so deeply connected to nature it seemed odd to not feel the same thing. He would always be Voltage even if he was named something else, but that still didn't help him much.

He listened next to her theory, and he snorted. With a gentle shake of his head he would turn to nuzzle into her neck fur. "Serefina, I was there when you were brought into this world. I can, very clearly, tell you that Opaline is your mother." He said with an almost shudder, chuckling softly as he placed kisses along her ears. "We are all siblings, sister, all of us are family, there is no denying it, even with our colors and makings. Perhaps our chosen elements, our destiny, painted us with such a varying colors..." He sighed as he looked out the mouth of the cave, seeing the rain begin to slow, the thunder far away now. "Perhaps we should head back before Glacier organizes a search party."
