
We'll go down in history


02-23-2015, 06:42 PM

Her head would tip back, providing better access, her purr vibrating against his lips. His own lips would pull back into a grin. Her soft words shot right through his heart, amplifying emotions he still didn't fully understand. Her gently kisses would lavish his face, his eyes slipping shut as she did so until she curled herself against against him. He would peer down would, holding her close, allowing his warmth to seep into her. When she finally did look up at him, her lovely blue eyes were misted with tears. Concern flashed across his features, uncertain as to what had upset her. She would try to speak, to explain, but she couldnt get the words out. "Shh." He would try and sooth her. "Forget everything, and lets just enjoy tonight." Soft woulds were whispered to her ear, silently begging her to put aside her worries. He needed this, craved this. In the back of his mind, he knew their time together was limited, that one day he would have to continue raising Cohen on his own, that he would no longer wake with her beside him, but even when that day came, she would be forever tattooed on his heart, a memory that would never fade. She was his first love, the one to help him pick up the pieces whether she knew it or not. His time with her had never been wasted, he craved her presence like an addict, needing nothing else in life.

He would bury his nose in her fur, inhaling her heady perfume, eyes slipping shut. So much that was unsaid hung between them, hung over their heads like a guillotine waiting to fall. It would crush him when she left this world, cripple him. But she had given him the greatest gift of all. Cohen. "I love you." He breathed into the fur on her neck, struggling to beat back their demons for her. He wanted her happy, spoiled beyond question and a smile always on her face. They could forget for a few hours.
