
We'll go down in history


02-23-2015, 07:14 PM

She would nod, accepting his quiet demands. Her kisses would fall across his lips as he leaned into her touch. Her shaky voice would fill his ears with shear pleasure. She loved him. She would press closer, gently nips falling across his chest and neck. A low groan would vibrate in his throat, his skull tipping back, eyes falling shut. One more night. It was less than what he wanted. He wanted endless nights spent in her embrace, drowning her gentle touch. His great thundered in his chest, his breath hitching. His body reacted to on its own accord, desire shooting through his veins like white hot fire. He could never grow tire of this, even though a quiet, nagging voice told him that she would not be able to give herself to him for much longer. Frenzied need would snatch him, jaws tipping down to decorate her scruff and back with gentle nips and kisses. Labored breathing ruffled her pelt as he body craved only her.

He would shove aside the eery cloud that hung out. A cloud that promised death and heart ache. He wanted to lose himself in her, to forget everything. He didn't want to think about how cruel time was, how she had been nothing but a bitch to him since he was only a pup. Fate too. His mother was gone. And the love of his life was dwindling away before his very eyes. A desperate whine would leave his lips, emerald eyes wild with desire and uncertainty. He would trail kisses down across her hips as he slide his chest down her side. "Ekko." Her name fell from his lips like a question. Was she ready? Could she handle it? Did she want this? He certainly hoped so.
