
Changes In The Currents



4 Years
02-23-2015, 08:14 PM
Suzaro's yellow eyes focused among the woman's teal colored optics. For someone whom he had just recently met, she seemed kind and gentle; a wolf whom he really needed to have in his life for the moment. She spoke about how she had various types of accidents happen to her, and he could not fathom being forced to have children, but he could relate on losing children and friends as well. "I can relate on losing friends and children. My mate was carrying our pups when she had left me, and before she had pups, she had a miscarriage and he was devastated and sad that she thought that she killed our pup. I kept reassuring her, but she just vanished from my life almost a year later," he spoke, a small sigh escaping his tone.

He stood up and followed the woman, her eyes seemed calm and gentle enough to follow, and she seemed to hold great wisdom inside of her. He could sometimes be wise, but, he was considered a killer back in the day, would he really have the guts to tell this woman about his killer instincts and lifestyle when he was younger? He was not so sure of the matter.

He walked alongside Ellis and happened to come upon a small stream that held fish inside. He slowly walked into the water and when he happened to have clamped down upon one, it wiggled its body inside of his maw, causing him to collapse and get soaked and wet, shaking off his coat as best as he could thus losing his prize as his white pelt slightly hung low as he looked to Ellis in embarrassment and sat down onto the shore.