
you just can't hide


02-23-2015, 08:55 PM

Adrenaline bombarded her system. Her heart pounded in her chest. She thirsted for blood and she was determined not to stop until she got what she wanted. Her desire to move would be met as she successful aligned their bodies to a nearly head on position, her left shoulder aligned with the center of her opponents chest. The severe lacerations at her neck bled freely, but her opponent did not hang on, immediately recoiling to protect her (nat) throat. Similarly, the ebony womans left forepaw would leave her own left silver forepaw to reestablish her (nat) balance. Cat's own defenses remained solidly intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, lips peeled back, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes spayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed, and tail aligned with her spine.

Her own fangs would nearly meet their mark. But her opponent would surge forward, counteracting her own push forward. Her (cat) top fangs would connect with the top/back of the womans skull, partially over her opponents left ear, while lower fangs sunk into her opponents left cheek and left eye. It was a sweet victory, but wasnt enough to deter her opponent. As her opponent pushed forward, she hoped it would cause worse damage to her face and eye. But she would not linger long for she was far from threatening the womans life. As they collided, a moderate bruise would form across the left portion of her chest. As her opponents head and neck began to rotate to her (nat) left, the silver queen would immediately recoil, removing her fangs from the womans face and allowing her neck to once again fully scrunch to push more fat and fur around her throat and neck, as well as her chin tucking tightly against her throat. In an attempt to redirect her opponents jaws, her upper body would curl to her right, so that her left shoulder jutted slightly farther forward and she was curled into an obtuse semi-circle to her own right. During this, the rest of her body sought to remain aligned with her opponent, only her shoulders, head and neck moving to arc to her right.

Fangs would connect with the left upper portion of her neck, sinking into fat and fur, enemy fangs threatening to pierce muscle if she sought to further the attack. Moderate puncture wounds bled, staining her silver pelt. Her enemy would grip several inches from the corner of her left sided jaws. As her own right foreleg left the ground, her opponent would rear up, causing the attempted grip on the ebony womans left foreleg to still meet its mark, but her opponent would counter by curling her left ebony foreleg around the silver womans own lifted right foreleg, just at her ankle.

She would strike mercilessly. Hind legs spread wide and bent deeply, her grounded right foreleg bending deeper as well as she sought to lower herself by an inch, her weight also shifted to be evenly distributed mostly across her hind legs. It was her goal to use her opponents lifted height against her. Silver crown tipped to her right, neck turning to her own left, so that her jaws pointed to her own left, splayed jaws sought a hold of the womans neck, just above the bone in her chest. Fangs thirsted for the womans trachea. Top jaws sought to puncture the left side (nat left) of her opponents trachea, while lower jaws sough to puncture the right side (nats right). In sync with her bite, she would seek to use bent hind legs to shove herself forward and up into her opponent. She wanted to know the woman her back so that she might rip her throat open. Following this, she would seek to snap her lift left foreleg back tot he ground, hoping that the abrupt  movement would disrupt the womans balance and only aid in bring the bitch down.

”CATALEYA vs NATALYA for DEATH: round 2/3"

OOC- eve has started judging it ^^ and then luns is gonna start as soon as she has a chance for the second verdict