
What do you want?


06-05-2013, 09:14 PM

Here she was again. Out and about. This time in a different landscape. Rocks littered the area. It was an odd place. But here was still. Paws touched the earth softly. It winter. Snow covered the ground, the air was frigid. She didn't like it. But at least she had a thicker coat that helped keep her warm. She still detested the way the snow crunched beneath her paws, making all kinds of noise, not to mention how cold it was. A frown settled on her features. Spring needed to be here already. She shook herself quickly, freeing her dark pelt of the ever falling snow, but it was quickly replaced by more. Finding a suitable rock, the dame jumped up, brushing away the snow and perched herself carefully on her throne. Emerald eyes surveyed the area before her. It was nothing to look at. Snow had covered anything that would nice to look at, and along with it went hunting for any prey. Nearly everything was hiding out at this time of year, evading not only predators, but the cold as well.

As she sat, on odd thought crossed her mind. Come spring her mother would 10. The dame was aging rapidly, and it was beginning to show. but as stubborn as her mother way, she not once asked for help. That brought a ghost of a smile to her face. She had never been all that close to her mother, it seemed as though none of her siblings where, but she still loved her. And her father. She hadn't seen him since Desdemona had called for the tournament to begin. Where had he been? Where was he now? She missed him. She had always been closer to her father out of all her siblings, of which she hadn't seen in awhile either. It was an interesting family to say the least, they almost never saw eachother, but were always so protective of one another. Absorbed in her own world, the young dame remained unaware of the approaching figure coming up from behind her.
