
We'll go down in history



7 Years
02-23-2015, 09:57 PM

He would growl as her claws teased his belly, commanding her not to tease him. The woman heard his husky tones and knew that if she kept teasing him, that he would take her again and again. She was pretty tempted to just let him do it, but her body was more than done. He told her that he would do anything for her as she caressed his face, her own head tilting to the side. She hated the amount of sadness that lingered in their conversation, it was the underlying tone of all of this. Then his damp nose came forth and brushed against her form, and Ekko leaned into his touch. She let out a soft hum, eyes closing as she breathed in his heady scent. The smell of their lovemaking was a heavy mist around them, and she let herself settle into it as she lay in the grass.

A moment of silence spread between them as he stood over her, her head stretching upwards to lick the sensitive shell of his ear. A soft whine left her mouth, a needy sound. She craved him beside her once more, to completely lose her tiny form in his brown coat. Ekko wanted to be held until she couldn't even feel where her own form was, to just melt into Colten. The silence was broken as he told her that she was beautiful, eyes misting up all over again. "And you are my handsome devil," she cooed, eyes following him as he flopped down beside him. Finally he would pull her into him, her back arching against her belly and she molded into his form. Curled into a tiny ball she let her eyes close, head turning to lick at his legs and chest. She was silent for many moments, her heart still hammering tightly in her chest. "Thank you, for everything." She whispered, pale eyes opening to try and find his emerald gaze. "You changed my life in more ways that you could ever know. You gave my life purpose for once... something that I could never repay you for. I love you with all my heart, my dear Colten, and I will never forget you."

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