
Toil and Trouble



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 11:02 PM

ooc. language warning (hover over speech for translation)

They went a-tumbling down the rocky slope, and astoundingly they were not dashed to pieces on the deadly edges of each jagged rock. When they finally rolled to a halt at the base of the immense mountain, each of them had cuts and bruises, scrapes and aches that they'd be feeling for a long time to come. Of course, the celestial femme paid that no mind immediately, as she was too busy trying to get air into her lungs. "Mitra, ste mi drobenje. Zemi go od mene ste so prekumerna težina ververica!" She growled, nipping at the nearest available body part- which happened to be his face. When he did roll off, and mutter about her hidden agendas, she snorted. Amethyst eyes would roll skyward, as though the gods had plotted out her brother's frequent idiocy. "Ti si ebat gubitnik, znaete li deka?" She muttered, shaking her head.

With much effort she would roll to her feet, shaking pebbles and soot from her cosmic pelt. Then, with an air of superiority and complete nonchalance, she would take a few steps forward. Immense paws would land upon her brothers stomach, and she would test his mettle for a moment. When he didn't start flailing about like the massive drama queen he was, she settled her rump directly on his middle and settled in. Obviously he still wasn't competent enough to take care of himself and stick close to her, so he needed to be taken care of like the little baby he was. So, like a mama hen, she was sitting on her charge. It was the only responsible thing to do. "Se nadevam deka ḱe se pomoča porano, bideJḱi sega ste zaglaveni tuka." She announced calmly, shaking out her ruff one more time. Turning her head so she could see his gold stained features, she narrowed her eyes menacingly. "Toa e ona što ḱe dobiete za da se bide džinovskite žaba moron. Moram da ve tretiraat kako mal bebe ptica koJ e premnogu skapoceno i čisto za ovoJ svet." She informed him curtly, sticking her tongue out for emphasis and adding a little more insult to his injury. She couldn't help the grin that was playing upon her galactic features.

Then, just to make this even better, she leaned over to anoint his face with kisses. Like he was, in fact, a tiny infant who was just worthy of endless affections. The aim was to annoy the shit out of the little twerp, and make sure he wouldn't spend that long scaring her senseless. Her own odd little sort of revenge. Every now and again she would tug at his cheek fur with her teeth, waiting until he threw her off and retaliated. He totally deserved the torturous affections, just because he was her little baby brother, and he was just so precious. (Note the heavy sarcasm)


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!