
Toil and Trouble



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 11:52 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Her brother made some jab about her pitiful attempt at finding him, and she returned the favour by attempting to grab his entire face in her jaws and give him a little shake. Well, she was actually the smart one. However, before she could get out her very well thought out, logical reasoning, he wriggled his way out from under her and promptly tackled her without any form of grace whatsoever. Once more she was neatly pinned beneath her behemoth of a brother, despite him only having about ten or so pounds to his advantage. He nibbled on her own cheeks, making sure to leave behind a nice pool of slobber like the male he was. A loud, choked cry of protest escaped her at this injustice, and she scrabbled feebly at his belly with her hind legs. When he finally did release her from that death hug, she straightened up and shook her head frantically. Gods, did he ever drool sometimes. She aimed a half-assed cuff at his head with one massive paw, snorting at her brother quietly. Slowly she would let out a sigh, and trail off into her perfectly valid explanation for why she stuck to this coast. "Kako što, vpročem, Jas bev koJ imaše podobri šansi za naoǵanje na vas. So lepenje na eden breg, i posetuvanje na sekoJ santimetar od toa na dnevna osnova, Jas bev so pogolema veroJatnost da se naJdat na vašiot idiotski telo koga taa neizbežno raznesuvaat na plaža. Sekako, Jas ne go smetaat za žal zadnik likvidaciJa na drugata strana od kontinentot, no toa beše pameten seedno." She informed him in that haughty tone she used so often. Drawing herself up and raising her chin so she could look down her nose at her little brother, the celestial goliath let out a huff. However, when her brother suggested an exploration, she leaped to her feet with a joyous grin. Yes, that was a brilliant idea if there ever was one.

The two would set off in search of an adventure, side by side. Every moment or two, she would bump her shoulder against his, just to make sure he was there. Adventures were always fun with her brother, even though he had a habit of getting them into more trouble than she would have liked. However, running from authority figures had become second nature to the two of them, it seemed. "Ova mesto e čudno, ne misliš? Dali ste se sretnale bilo koJ od volci okolu tuka? Tie se site tolku..." She trailed off, not quite sure how to word it. As well, there were so many aspects to this land that were odd. They spoke the common tongue, which was only useful to those who knew how to speak it. As a fact, the galactic female did not speak any more than a few broken sentences at a time. The wolves were also quite drab, without stars in the pelts or ethereal hues borne upon their coats. Nothing, just plain old wolves. It was strange, and she still didn't know what to make of it.