
i'll put a flower in your hair



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 07:01 AM

Mithras was no stalker. But after the things he'd been trhough, the losses he'd suffered, and the fact that he was still a little wary of this new land... he trailed Faria as she moved through the land. She still recovering form her journey, but it wasn't like she was required to stay with them or anything. Hell, from what he knew of her, she was probably loving all the new opportunities and sites to see. Meanwhile he wanted to throw her and Caia into a den and never let them leave again... for their own safety of course. (Maybe for his as well.)

He tracked the blue girl's pelt into a small upland, coming at last to peak on a glorious cliff top. It was an inland sort of plunge, with a sliver of ocean between their perch and a matching set of cliff on the other side. Mithras grinned, having half a mind to jump just for the fun of it. He lifted a paw as if to do just that, but stilled himself. He had a job here! When he turned his head to scan over the cliff top his eyes found Faria first... And then another male.

His coat was drab but his eyes held an interest Mithras was well aware of. He snickered under his breath and minced forwards, a cat in the cream. Maybe now Faria would regret helping him freshen up in this language... "Oh, 'm sorry," he muttered, try to affect a startled and sheepish expression. "Feel like I might be interrupting something." He let his 3D gaze rest on the male... before his willpower broke and a smirk curled onto his lips. Oh, gods willing this male would have a sense of humor.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!