
Toil and Trouble



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 08:41 AM by Mithras.)

Caia would agree to his proposition in a heart beat, as he'd hoped she would. Let's see, what did he want to do... He was hungry, maybe they could start there! But more than that, he was curious. For one they were on the slopes of a fucking volcano, how could he not be? The thought of climbing it again though was... painful. Pun intended.

Soon they left the barren waste behind, returning to a grove of young growth. Caia spoke, and Mithras' wandering attention was corralled. "Tie se tolku obična! I mnogu isplašeni mislam. Poveḱeto praša dali sum nekoj vid na bog." He shrugged, and looked away. Gods, what a joke. And to be considered as such was almost offensive, but he'd been able to write it off as ignorance, for the time being. "Sum videl bitovi na bo'Jata, no ništo slično na nas samite."

He came to stand before a broad sycamore tree. Beyond knowing there must be water nearby, Mithras knew that somewhere inside this tree lay a spirit. Even if he did not believe in the benevolence of the many gods, he could not deny the spiritual life force of the land. That he could feel with his heart, that he could see and smell and experience first hand. One had only to close their eyes and breathe to understand. "Zdravo , vozljubeni," he murmured. Mother had taught them that spirits were not like gods, they were not egotistical or arrogant. They were friendly and loving, and watched over every creature as though they were their pups. Mithras stepped forward and booped the tree with his nose. It was old and gnarled, and surely a very powerful spirit resided within.

Turning back to Caia he asked, "Dali mislite deka toa e premnogu rano da se obide i da se ahold na maJka i tatko?" While he was sad he would not be able to feel them again in this world, Mithras knew they would never truly be parted from him, which helped to curb his grief. Still, the boy would not want to call on them if they were still settling into their next life, less he disturb their rest. Father had told him horrible stories about families who, in their extreme grief, had attempted to speak to their loved ones the very next day. The spirits had been so disturbed that they could never find proper peace. They had wandered the earth forever, moaning in agony... He shuddered, and shook the mental image from his skull.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!