
Toil and Trouble



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 10:15 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 12:02 PM by Evelyn.)

"Speech" thoughts actions

They walked to a pleasant little grove of trees, new in their growth but showing much promise. Ashes still stained the soil grey, but soon it would look as though nothing had ever happened. Her brother finished her sentence for her, on the strange new wolves they had happened upon here. She hummed quietly in reply, bobbing her head in agreement. She had yet to see anything weirder than the gangly canine with all those spots. They continued quietly through the grove, until her brother paused in front of a grand old sycamore. It was an immense thing, which bore the look like it had been around for many centuries. Obviously her brother could sense the spirit within, a grizzled old creature no doubt, a wise one. She mimicked his touch to the trunk, only she would lightly rest her forehead upon it for a moment. "RaduvaJ se, mudar eden." Husky lyrics would mumble under her breath, before she pulled away from it and looked to her brother as he spoke.

She pondered his query for a moment or two, brow creased with a frown. It was a puzzling thought indeed, timing. Blinking at her brother a few times, she hesitated with her jaws parted before she spoke. "Jas mislam deka nie treba da im dade ušte eden den, bratot moJ. Toa ḱe bide pobezbedno da gi spodelite so niv se odmorat za malku podolgo, pred da gi kontaktira. Pobezbeden, si mislam." She murmured, nodding slowly to affirm her opinions. She would tuck her crown beneath his for a moment, feeling rather sorrowful all of the sudden. Not often since she had arrived had the cosmic femme given the rest of her family much thought. She was too focused on finding her estranged brother, the one who had lived. Mother, Father, and her brothers. They were dead, and it was because the damned gods thought they deserved it.

The resonant thud of her brother's heart was comforting for a moment or two, and she let her head rest there a while longer. She felt him shudder against her cheek, and pressed her head further into his thick ruff in hopes of comforting him. Then she drew herself up to her full height and sighed. "AJde, da ne se zadržime na minatoto, i namesto da vidime što našiot nov život može da bide kako tuka." She mumbled quietly, nodding her head toward the wide world awaiting them. Maybe it would be best if they continued on, and saw what their lives might be like soon enough.

ooc. wanna end it here?