



3 Years
02-24-2015, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 11:28 AM by Lysis.)
Lysis had always been drawn to chaos. Since birth she had walked the fine line between life and death, wavering on uncertainty in every aspect of her life. She only fueled the chaos by abandoning those she loved, not once, but twice. The monotony of life seemed too boring to endure and the only way to reinvigorate her restless soul was to stoke some sort of fire. For a moment, she watched the herd of buffalo, entranced by the power they held, by how easily they could destroy. All it would take to send them into a stampede would be a simple call or a swift movement towards them -- and then all semblance of serenity would crumble.

And yet the calm, for the moment, was refreshing. A brief bout of silence would follow as she let her quiet gaze sweep across the horizon. "Quite tempting, yes," she agreed in a svelte tone.  "But so dangerous." There was a hint of laughter in her sparkling hazel gaze as she turned to study Mercy again. Was this girl even of breeding age? Kyarst was easily close to twice her age. Like taking a child from their den, she thought to herself, giving no hint of the distaste she suddenly tasted in her mouth. Fucking idiot.

"What a lucky guess," she observed when the other girl asked her name. What had Kyarst told her, if anything, about herself and their family? Her tail would twitch restlessly behind her as she lowered herself to her hindquarters near Mercy.  "I am Lysis." She couldn't help but wonder if she knew her nieces and nephews, and if she had known Drashiel and even Roman -- though for now she would keep her questions to herself.

'A little far from home, are you not?' Came the girl's next question, and another sweet smile would turn the corners of her lips upward as she nodded.  "The north was my home once," she explained simply. Yes, she felt more comfortable in the cooler temperatures of the north, and she felt at home in the mountains of ice and snow and raging storms that seemed to torment the more extreme landscape there -- and yet time had changed more things than one and she was beginning to wonder if the north was the domain of the Armadas any longer. It certainly seemed most, if not all of them, had left.  "My home, now, is wherever Kyarst is." It was a bit more frank than she typically was, but she would not deny that blood meant everything to her, and always had. "And you must be Mercy," she mused after a moment. "And these lands -- these hills -- do you consider them your home? Or is this merely a stepping stone to something greater someday?" A hint of mischief shone in her gaze as she questioned her, wanting to know a bit more about this girl.