
running back to you



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 12:01 PM by Evelyn.)

Her brother looked to her with wide eyes when a faint, trembling call rang out around them. Why they were still in these blazing hot lands was a mystery to her, but she wouldn't complain. At least her brother was here now, and all was well. Singular brow would quirk curiously, as she cosmic dame turned to look in the direction of the call. The delta. A name accompanied them as the two set off toward the sea. Faria. Ah yes, the sweet little hobbit who'd been with them since birth. Maybe she'd hit a growth spurt since last they'd seen her. Probably not, but if she was here it meant the other girl was alive and, hopefully, doing well. She trailed after her brother, who was galloping across the terrain like an angry walrus. Her own strides were far more graceful, if still a little clumsy at this point. Mithras had the biggest crush on the faerie, if he wouldn't admit such a thing. The way he looked at her, it was absolutely disgusting sometimes. Would that factor remain now, or were such fantasies forgotten by her baby brother?

On the shore, a tiny body had been rejected by the ocean. She looked like she'd been chewed thoroughly before being spit out, that was for sure. Her brother snuffled like a hog all over the girl's much smaller frame, earning a small roll of amethyst eyes. "Mith, možete gigantski celer stap, ti si ḱe Ja mačkam ako prodolžuvaš da gi zarie so vašiot masti nosot kako toa." She drawled with a smirk, padding up to the pitiful looking scrap of cobalt fur. Lowering herself onto the sand, one audit was tilted toward the other girl's snout to see if she was actually breathing properly. Sure enough, ragged breaths stirred the down within her tall ears, and the celestial goliath was satisfied her brother could continue harassing Ria without room for accidentally killing her.

Sitting back on her rump, she waited for their friend to catch her breath. Swimming that far, especially with those tiny legs of hers, must have been a million times the struggle it had been for the dark femme. Brows would knit together with mild worry, watching the smaller female sprawled out on the beach like that. No doubt her brother's ministrations were not much help. "Kako beše na patuvanje, Hobitot?" She snorted, never one to show too much care, even with such a close friend. She called her hobbit lovingly, though the title couldn't be helped much. Faria was just so tiny.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!