
Even Hurricanes Have Names



2 Years
02-24-2015, 11:54 AM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

You know why habit rhymes with rabbit, 'cuz your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find you. Well, Fayelon is the rabbit and her inner succubus is her predator. She wanted no secrets, no lies, no betrayals so she could at least live with herself without waking up in broken dreams and despair. But what happens when the darkness in your life comes crawling back, lurking in the deepest, darkest shadows just waiting for the right moment to strike again -- well that big fat cloud of darkness in her life is her brother. It's almost always impossible to get rid of it, one reason why is because that dark energy clings to the vulnerable and innocent and sadly right now Fayelon is in her most vulnerable state of mind. The only real way to destroy it is to damn her brother back down to hell. But that will take time.

The  almighty phoenix maneuvers from beneath a pile of moss and prickly leaves. The realignment of her spinal cord pops compulsively by a swift move, she sighs at the repositioning of her back and slowly begins to stand to her foundations. Ushering her way through a fortress of trees and bushes, wandering these blasted lands without nary a sight of any four-legged creature since she came to Alacritia. The slender beast stretched down a path, detecting movement from ahead of her Fayelon rounded her scapula's and pinned her ears to her cranium. Dark black lashes blinked in sync motion as she watched the hoofed beast move against the thick aroma of darkness orbiting around them. She watched carefully as the body stirred once more. Undetected among the thicket she was protected behind, the gladiator preformed a steady, predatory volt around her being. The muscles under multiple points of her epithelium rippled, tightening with the anticipation of her first hunt in what felt like centuries to her being. After a few pondering moments and analyzing she finally drew her skeletal fractions back and sprung forth onto the herbivore.

Fayelon began using her sharp irises to rip through the tenderloin of the beast, her phalanges held the carcass down as she devoured it's essence. Hunger was one element in this dreadful world that wasn't so easily subdued or persuaded, so quite frankly she caved in to temptation and fed her way out of it's hazardous imprisonment. Having not being able to stick to her regulated diet since she has stepped foot onto these new lands has defiantly driven her mad, starvation isn't something to take cold-heartedly. Now with a full stomach, energy and strength regaining it's compulsion and pumping blood throughout her bodice -- fueling her with the stamina and endurance that she so greatly needed at this moment.