
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 02:42 PM

His short waiting period wold be spend with eyes cast out across the frozen lake, attempting to pinpoint the exact spot he had been standing upon its winter frozen back when he had first met Anais. Now that the warmer seasons had melted away any trace of the ice's presence it was near impossible to decide exactly how far out he had been. It was strange to think that that reminder was so easily gone, but a slight grin twitched the corner of his lips as he thought of how the seasons would change and before long the lake would be frozen once more, and its presence would signify the reunion of the day a beautiful friendship was born.

He pulled himself from his revere at the soft sound of approaching footsteps. His ears perked and he scanned the trees about him as he listened to the gentle pad of paw to earthen ground. He realized that anyone of her family could decide to drop in on the boy that often came calling for their daughter/sister/mother and he did tense a little at that thought, huh! And he had put her through the drama of meeting his own family.

But he need not let such worries take him, as his name came from the mouth of a familiar form racing towards him, her pace slowed as she neared and stopped a short pace before him. Her attention immediately went to the flowers held gently in his maw and with another smile he would take a step forward, slowly and without intimidating her would close the distance so he could lower his head and place the flowers at her feet. “They are called Sea Holly, a flower that only grows in or near sand, its a little keepsake for your help in finding our new home” he would inform her as he lifted his head back up, through attempted to keep it at the height of her smaller frame.

He inched back a little then so as not to make her uncomfortable, before seating his rump against the earth. “If you think you can be spared for a few hours there is also something I would like to show you, I know its afternoon, and if it gets late I would gladly escort you home, for your safety” he added gently.