
How in the...?



6 Years
02-24-2015, 02:44 PM
Voltage expected a lot in his exploration of this island, different predators, different prey. Hell, maybe even some remnants of a religious cult. When he hadn't expected, rather stupidly, was another wolf. A stranger, as brightly colored as his family and the parents he had once known and loved. Eyes grew wide as he stumbled, tripping over his own paws, just catching himself intime to avoid the ground. Was this even an island at all? Was there another way to get onto this land? Panic suddenly shook through him as he breathed in the air, searching for some pack scent, and breathing a breath of relief when he didn't find any. She had asked if he belonged to a pack, seeming cautious. He sighed then, tired of women being cautious around him. With a shake of his head he turned to face her, tilting his head and gazing at her rainbowed frame. It was rather gorgeous, that was true. ""No, little lady, I can assure you I have no allegience."" He said with a gentle smile, moving to step towards her but pausing. He didn't want to scare her further. Clearing his throat he lowered his head, his tail swishing behind him as he stared up at her with the largest of stormy eyes. ""I am Voltage Elementas. Are you okay, little lady? You seem quite scared." He said softly, gazing behind her then, wondering if perhaps she was being chased. His lightening fur began to rise along his back, but he returned his attention back to her and his aggression faded. "Do you need anything?" Protection, healing, help off this island? There was something, he just couldn't place it. Perhaps it was just her caution that threw him off, or maybe it was some unknown thing laying beneath.

"Burn Baby Burn"