
Watching you, watching me



3 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 03:35 PM
All he'd receive was a disappointed look at he spoke, and he couldn't help but grin again. He was reminded of time with his mother for just a moment, and like a good patient would shut his mouth and accept the help. He'd lean against the sturdy shoulder of his savior, finding himself in slight awe of the man. He was huge, not like Valentine who was slender and tall this man had height as well as an extreme mass to back him up. He'd find himself easily whisked away, most of his weight supported by the blue shoulder as he was led into the cliffs that bordered the ocean. It was odd being the one tended too, and he wasn't sure what to think about the role reversal.

When they'd passed through the entrance his eyes would take a moment to adjust but he'd already hear the stream as well as smell the fresh water, he wouldn't take much convincing to reach down and sip at the cool waters. They held a thick mineral taste, he could only imagine that this water had been under the mountains for months. Still, it was incredibly refreshing.

Drinking his fill Revenge would sit back onto his haunches and take in a deep breath of air, again thankful he was on dry land. Maybe he just wasn't a swimmer. His bright sunshine gaze would turn back to the lifeguard, embarrassment clear on the younger wolf's face as he glanced back.
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