
Stars in the Sky



5 Years
02-24-2015, 05:35 PM

Astrea smiled at him, he took the bait of her joke, maybe she was not always in the forefront of the family, but she is always part of it. She tilted her head back again to look at the sky. She loved her siblings, They where her everything, the ones who she knew wanted her... well besides Seerten. For whatever reason he was ever so important to her. She hummed again, her eyes focusing on the stars that where ever blinking into existence. They called to her, almost like they called her name, there she goes sounding crazy again. A large smile spread her maw, if she was not talking to her brother who just got done telling her that the feeling was normal maybe she would feel crazy but at this moment she does not.

When Volt closed his eyes and breathed deep making his wish. Astrea got up and pranced, tossing out her paws. She danced in the light of the first star of the night, expressing the joy of their awakening. She did this every night when she was alone, not even the twins seen her awakening dance, and the fact that she was showing Voltage said in action what words could not, she trusted him, as he trusted her. When more stars blinked into light she stopped and smiled over her shoulder at a now opened eyed brother. He asked her what she wished for, and that is easy, she wished for the same thing every night, "For love, happiness, and acceptance; for our family and for myself." She smiled then, her pale eyes full of joy. "Volt, I wish to find my place in this world and be loved for it, and I wish that for all of those I love." She turned, her small body turning gracefully.

"Do you ever wonder why we are so connected to our element or in the twins and my chase celestial bodies?" She had always wondered why she felt such a connection, why they called to her like nothing else could. Did her name shape her or was she named for it already? She had wondered for a long time, even since the stars first called to her. She always sat under the stars and looked up wondering why they called, why she felt like she needed to answer that call. "And if I picked it for myself, why stars? Why did I pick something so far away, why not something from home like plants? Or why did you pick something that is companion to the thing your afraid of? I don't understand."
