
Time Changes All



4 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 08:49 PM

She seemed to have no idea what or who humans were, and he let out a small chuckle. There was a place here that he had seen a few human artifacts, things called weapons and armor littering the area. He would have to take her there one time, when it wasn't so late at night. "One day I will tell you all about them, if you want. I don't know too much, but I would be pleased to share my knowledge with you." That was one of his favorite things, to share things that he had learned on his many adventures. What was the point of learning all these things if he couldn't share it with others? It would just be forever locked in his head, and while he had a lot of fun knowing all these things, there really wasn't much else purpose for it. Plus, humans were an interesting subject, and a very hard one to gather things about. A lot of wolves that had known about humans, or better yet had even been kept by them, were dying off. There weren't many left, and Seerten really had to dig deep. But he would find out something, he always seemed to.

Soon Astrea was up on her very tippy toes, her damp nose pushing into his cheek. He felt himself leaning into her touch, his face vibrating softly as she hummed against him. Even though they had just met, he felt a sort of connection to her. They were each so similar in so many ways, and it left him feeling like he had known her for ages. She agreed with him saying that there were no others like her, and he smiled down at her sweet little face. Of course he was right, he generally was. The part that she said about others being blessed from the stars caught his interest. More around like her? He highly doubted it, she was the only one that he had come across in his years of traveling.

As she pulled back, his gaze captured her own again, chocolate colliding with pale blue. She called him charming, to which he snorted softly. A white knight? He doubted it. "There are very few who I have saved in my life time, certainly not enough to be called a knight, m'lady." He said in a teasing matter, his cheeks still insanely hot. He was not used to being so open and close with another, even more so in this short of time.

His smile left his face as she looked at the moon, telling him that she had to leave him. He felt his heart sank, his mouth opening to protest. But he snapped it back shut, there were always other nights that they could meet. And she lived close by, the Mount wasn't far from these cliffs. She asked to come back, and his head nodded eagerly. Of course, he loved her company and would feel slightly lost without her around. So strange that they bonded in such a short time. She turned to leave, and he found that he started to pad after her. He only paused when she turned around to say goodbye, a single large paw raised still. "See you then, my star goddess." He whispered, eyes watching her until she faded away among the stars.

-end thread-


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.