
Whispers in the Wind (joining)

Sand Striker

06-05-2013, 10:55 PM
Striker saw the black male approaching and gathered himself pulling to his feet, he could see that he had started off on the wrong foot the males posture screamed hostility still he dropped a low bow as the male drew nearer. The black brutes words where stiff and unyielding, death or assistance, striker tilted his head he was looking for neither and opened his mouth to say so but no noise came out, snarling silently in his head, cursing himself.

His voice had always been a pain often impossible to use he really bothered trying to speak and howling? well he hadn't even tried since he was a pup, but he sensed a game of charades would not endear him to this male so he lowered his head slightly and tried again, it came out a grating whisper loud enough to be heard between them but not the kind of voice that would ever make a wolf swoon or carry across a battle field, ? my apologies,? he croaked, to the other wolf ?I have come seeking the phantom pack, as I wish to offer my services as a pack member,? he paused swallowing to ease the ache already starting in his throat before continuing, ?I would have called unfortunately that option was not open to me, nor did I think intruding on your pack lands to seek attention would be an advisable act,? he raised his gaze meeting the purple gaze of his counterpart.

?my name is Striker and if I may ask to whom I speak, only I have come a long way and would like to ensure that I am indeed speaking to the right wolf before I continue.? with that he closed his mouth swallowing several times to calm his throat, his golden eyes scanning the other male ears erect but tail held respectfully low, he sensed that this was not a lowly member his bearing and scent said something of command though how high standing in the pack Striker could not say.